Angst vor Bus fahren wegen Übelkeit?


mir fällt es jetz nicht unbedingt leicht dass hier zu schreiben aber ich habe dieses Problem schon längere Zeit. Ich fahre seit 11 Jahren jeden Tag 2 mal mit dem Bus und das jeweils 45 min lang. In der 10. klasse kurz vor den Sommerferien wurde mir einmal sehr übel im Bus und schwindelig außerdem hab ich das Gefühl gehabt gleich ohnmächtig zu werden. Nachdem die qualvolle busfahrt dann vorbei war wurde ich von der Schule abgeholt und war dann 3 Wochen zuhause. Gott sei dank war schon Notenstopp sodass ich kaum was verpasst habe. Nach den Sommerferien is mir dann bewusst geworden dass ich panisch im Bus werde heißt ich kriegen ein engegefühl in meinem Hals und meiner Nase so dass es sich anfühlt als würde ich keine Luft mehr bekommen. Dies ist natürlich Quatsch und das weiß ich auch dennoch schränkt es mich häufig sehr ein da ich zuvor sehr gerne bus gefahren bin.

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5 years ago


the described symptoms (abuseliness, dizziness, narrowness in the neck) and the situation (bus ride) in which they have evolved, bring me to the thought about a panic attack. You can find information about it on the Internet.

Breathing exercises (there are also special apps) and optionally Psychotherapy can be very helpful.

Avoidance is not recommended (e.g. instead of bus by taxi).

It must be said that isolated panic attacks at up to 20% of the population in Germany will eventually occur in life.

More movement, more sleep, healthy food, less caffeine and sugar, inner rest and good thoughts are definitely important!

5 years ago

You could try to take a girlfriend or something so that she calms you just once and if necessary take a bag to breathe and if necessary also to break

Vllt was your then nausea at your stand/seating direction many people will be bad when they drive “backward” bus or train. Or it was simply too extreme weather condition with which you did not get clear in the stubbornness of the bus

5 years ago

Vonex helps very well.

5 years ago

I’ve had problems driving by bus.

First, you can consider whether this is happening in other means of transport (car, train,…). If you can drive with other things, do as often as possible.

If you know a bus driver personally, ask him why some things happen on the bus. (swinging, whining, noise,…)

Sometimes bus companies have a day of open doors. Let’s show you everything you care about. (There are no doofen questions)

Just take a few stops by bus and see how you can get it.

The bus should be as empty as possible. (Maybe taking one or two buses earlier)

Seat as far as possible in front of the bus.

Look out of the window during the bus ride; and very importantly: not to read on the phone and also not a book.