Angst vor Beschneidung?
Ich bin m17 und habe eine vorhaut Verengung ,der Versuch sie mit Salbe zu behandeln wurde von mir nach 6 Wochen abgesprochen, weil die Creme bei mir nicht gewirkt und es ehr schlimmer gemacht hat.
Nun habe ich für den 28.10. ein Beschneidungs Termin unter Vollnarkose, und habe jetzt schon höllische Angst vor denn schmerzen und gefühls Verlust.
Könnt ihr mir diese Sorgen nehmen oder sind die Begründet.
Topic Pain
You don’t have to be afraid of pain. Actually, the general anesthesia is completely exaggerated. Usually a local anesthesia is completely sufficient.
Either way, you don’t get anything from the procedure. Before you could get anything, the wound is sewn and packed properly. Be careful to fix the penis in the pants as far as possible upwards — this helps against postoperative swelling most effective and can almost completely prevent wound pain: the only thing that can hurt appreciably is too much movement on the penis skin when pulling on the wound. If you can minimize this, the wound does not hurt.
To fix up the penis, the tightest possible slip in combination with the pressure band around the penis helps. The best is a microfibre slip: then scratches and does not shy any of the uninhabited exposed glans.
The only move to the wound you can’t prevent is by night erections. On the other hand, it helps to go to the toilet, so the erection disappears. Make sure to leave water as vertically as possible at the bottom so that the bandage does not get wet. The bandage generally has a sufficiently large opening at the front of the slant. The precise vertical urination is easier when you pee in sitting.
It can be that the swelling also presses on the urethra and thus the beam is temporarily somewhat imprecise. You can encounter this by trying to water in short shocks like a tumult. As a result of the higher pressure, the beam is then easier to maintain and control.
If you have erection pain beyond the toilet, it helps to relieve the wound by pushing the skin from the penis root with two or three fingers towards the squirrel, and a few millimeters are enough. In lying it also helps to angle the legs lying on the side as an embryo — which relieves the tension on the abdominal wall and thus on the penis skin as well.
After a few nights, if the wound is no longer very fresh, it can also be pleasant to sleep naked at the bottom, then the skin of penis and testicle bag can be better distributed and avoid tensile pain. To make sure that the scrotum is in front of the legs so that it is freely movable.
Just courage! Within half a year, I’ve been through the process twice (due to impunity) and I can say that every dental treatment was more unpleasant for me in its consequences. I wish you could summarize this for you later.
Theme loss of feelings
A trimmed penis is above all simply a penis with another atomic concept. Everything feels different and works differently than uncut, but only differently. Nothing has to feel worse.
You can also learn how to stimulate yourself. But the most important sexual organ is your brain. Find out what touches are beautiful, pleasant and lustful. Do not go to the hunt for an orgasm at first, but simply enjoy like a little boy, which feels nice and horny and what calls for repetition. In this way, your brain re-learns the key to pleasure and you can also experience circumcised fulfilling pleasure.
In everyday life, your brain also learns to re-sort which touches are now false alarms. This does not have to mean blunting if you still enjoy and promote the positive and desired feelings. It is true that in circumcision, the nerves of the inner foreskin are usually removed completely or partially. Nature has equipped our penis with an overboring number of nerves, which can balance the head without any problems when you leave it and do not stiffen on the old.
In general, you will be circumcised for medical reasons. There, circumcision will be more likely to be an improvement that you will appreciate the more positive you look forward to this. Just courage!
Six weeks seem very little to me! I would try other ways, because the concerns about possible negative consequences of circumcision cannot take you objectively.
If you’ve been through all kinds of circumcision with the hospital doctor, and with you the radical complete distance is the only one that seems promising, because there are things like partial circumcision or incision. You may be advised once more competently because doctors and hospitals also have a financial advantage when the most expensive and not the best variant of circumcision is performed.
My doctor has addressed the other variants and advised off because from his experience the risk is high that the narrowing comes back.
That there’s a risk, I knew it was supposed to be so high is new to me. Here would be the difficult balance for me if I shouldn’t try it with the partial circumcision first. On the other hand, I understand, of course, when you say, “I don’t want to be snuck around my cock for a second time.” Dumb question: Why did you leave it so late at all? This is something you notice when you wash, or the doctor says something about the J1 or J2 examination.
I only realized with 15 that it has to go back at all.
Then, as soon as possible, have visited the doctor who recommended me to stretch when it didn’t work out, he said then we must sacrifice someday, but if you still need time to think you can take them.
I then left the subject for 1 year until I tried to stretch again and then it was called again OP is probably the only way after 4 months thinking I made your an op appointment now and the final consultation was already
circumcision with general anaesthesia is overdimensioned, normally also local anaesthesia with a clamping technique is sufficient.
Nevertheless, it wouldn’t do me well to get the live as it gets snippled down there.
When I get a panic atake what can happen to me, that can go into the eye.
That is why It’s better if I’m just “way”
general anesthesia is sometimes appropriate; the doctor will know what he’s doing.
You don’t need to be afraid of pain.
As a rule, you will not be in pain, and if so, you can take a painkiller. The first erections could be a bit unpleasant, but before sleeping the bladder helps empty and if it should be ready, you can bend the legs
And how does it look with sexual feelings
With the very many important nerves that are in the foreskin, the feelings are naturally unfolded!
I feel more intense
Hello, I’d advise you to cancel the circumcision. Unfortunately, in recent years, advertising has been made massively for circumcisions and the whole is well spoken or harmless. Also in terms of feeling loss.
Apart from this, there is a much more compatible surgical method, where nothing is removed, but only a cut into the foreskin is made. If you were recommended to circumcision instead, I would be as skeptical three times.
But even there is a question of whether you need such an operation. It can be good that the narrowing in the coming years still leaves itself. I would definitely try that with the ointment (and regular stretching). What is rarely mentioned: Pre-skin narrowing can also be accompanied by psychological causes.
If there is no actual risk or unbearable pain, I would cancel the operation. Especially if you were brought to/transmitted by others and did not consciously and actively decide on it from your own will.
No you don’t have to worry about that
You don’t need to be afraid of that. I’ve only been circumcised in my adult age. With me it was a local anesthesia into the penis root. Had no pain and after circumcision. Only the first nocturnal erection was a bit unpleasant, followed by the doctor’s instruction, so I also overestimated it without problems. I didn’t suffer any loss of feeling through my circumcision.
Of course, everything will be a bit different afterwards, but you get used very quickly.
My personal experience and opinion
From my own experience I can say that circumcision is nothing bad. The pain after surgery is very low and I cannot report a particular loss of feeling. So I can calm you down.
Since you’ve already tried it with them, instead of circumcision, you still have the possibility of incision, which is another surgery where the foreskin remains. If that would be possible for you, your doctor can say. It is also the question whether you like the optical result.
There is no reason to worry. The pain keeps within limits. I had it done under local anesthesia and after that no painkillers needed. The loss of feeling is much discussed by circumcision opponents, but I cannot confirm that. It’s a simple thing you don’t have to be afraid of. In the United States, a lot of men are circumcised, there is more the rule and uncircumcised exception.
You don’t have to worry.
Had too narrow a foreskin, alternative therapies have helped nothing.
The procedure can also be carried out in local anesthesia, you usually do not notice anything about it.
For me, the recurring problems and pain are over, it’s fun again!
Purely personal also looks more beautiful, cares more easily and women also stand on idR.
Wish you all the best!
Don’t worry about the circumcision is a small intervention after that you notice that the acorn feels more comfortable. You do not have pain after the procedure and if you should have pain easy you can take a slight painkiller I need no you have after the procedure a bandage you can remove again the next day after two weeks the threads dissolve and after the third week everything is healed
It’s a routine operation, and it’s very fast.
My brother did this and that went very fast. After that it becomes somewhat unpleasant because the EICHEL will touch the pants etc, but you get used to yourself
this is a routine intervention that doctors make hundreds of times a year. You will get a guide to care and usually it cures quickly. All right.
Rate strongly off if you don’t want to lose your 20000 nerves, erection problems,orgasm disorders and much more. A constriction is not a reason for mutilation. There are trainers who stretch the foreskin and then they are no longer too tight. Doctors are only interested in the money, your sexuality doesn’t matter to them. Look at there were also, as far as I can remember, such rings that are pushed between the skin and stretched over a few months
I’ve already tried stretching the result of this was that the foreskin was only narrower.
The strain has not fallen so much to my body and it has reacted with a preskin inflammation.
I have stretched 2x tried at a distance of 1 year both malle it got worse and it ignited.
Then you started too strong. Maybe you didn’t do well. Look at you and other experiences that people share in forums. Just search. Would not do anything other than to collect as much information as possible as soon as possible, instead of waiting for answers. Here you will not receive a satisfactory answer
Full anesthesia for a mini cut in 3 minutes?
*20 minutes
Yes, of course, imagine I get a panic attack would be the operation that can go bad.
That’s why I’m “way”
Do you have a complete Phimosis?
I had this too and treated it for more than 6 weeks.
total with interruptions 2 years with oil and bathing in the tub.
You have to be patient, I didn’t want to be circumcised.
The loss of feeling is dramatic.
I’m totally happy I made it.ühlslos-ver-beschneidungs-vollende/
I’ve got a cousin (14) and he let that go with 12. He said it was a very big mistake: The biggest problem is that he needs much longer while he’s getting hard.
And after the op, he had a lot of pain.
Besides, it doesn’t look so good (I saw him naked and his thing looked a little weird.)
Hello incognito, 👋
please keep trying the
Problem OHNE circumcision
(Mutilation) to solve❗️Evtl.
consult another doctor!
According to the new
Guideline at about 5 percent. This includes:
short-term light complications such as
bleeding, wound infections, but
also heavy as the injury of
Squirrel and urethra to death.
Long-term complications are
but not taken into account. … since 2013
will be published annually on 7 May the world day of
👉genital self-determination❗️committed.
people of different origin,
Religion and all ages are there, so
also the association MOGUS, the
Criminal affairs one voice
there. Formore and more affected
as adult men under their
circumcision suffer, report
publicly speaking!!️
MOGIS is also on the new guideline
involved in ceremonies. circumcision-von-jungen-muss-die-vorhaut-real-weg-swr2-wissen-2022-12-100.html
The circumcision of boys leaves
some affected persons such as Victor Schierung and
Önder Özgeday a lifelong trauma.❗️
Sexual effects of circumcision❗️
1. Background
TheCircumcisionor also trimming refers to the surgical removal of thePreciousthePediatric corpus. Cold and Taylor (1999) published a detailed explanation of the structure and function of the foreskin:
“The pre-skin is primarilyerogenic tissuewhich is necessary for normal sexual function. The complex interaction between the protopathic sensitivity of the acorns that are poor in corpuscular receptors and the furious band of the male foreskin that is rich in corpuscular receptors is necessary for normal sexual behavior in intercourse.
The increased frequency of masturbation, anal traffic and furatio reporting on the circumcision men in the USA may be the result of the sensory imbalance due to circumcision. Undoubtedly, the amputation of the foreskin leads to changes in the sexual behavior of men and women. ‘[1]
This loss of sensory function in the circumcision penis was a weighty factor for the spread of circumcision for nonreligious reasons in the USA since the end of the 19th century. Century.[2]
End of 19th Centuries doctors accused the circumcision as a means of healing or forPreventionparalysis, insomnia, digestive problems,epilepsyandscoliosisinsanity, celebrity,homosexuality,enuresis, nightmares,sperm courtand masturbation. All of the reasons for circumcision listed were attributed to masturbation.[2]
The masturbation under boys became the main ground for circumcision.[3]The theory represented among physicians was that if pain were added to the penis and sensitive tissue were removed, boys and men would be prevented from masturbating.[3]
Doctors explicitly warned that the operation withoutStunningshould be carried out so that it would be perceived as a punishment and left a painful memory in the boy who was guilty of the forbidden act of masturbation.[3]
Two. penile sensitivity❗️
ThePrecious, not the acorn, is the most sensitive part of the penis for easy contact.[4]On average, the pre-skin contains73 mFirmsand thousands of mainly specialised nerve endingsincluding:Meissner body,Father-Pacini body,Callini bodyandMerkel cells). Thesespecialized nerve ends can detect even lightest touches and temperature and texture differences. The foreskin is therefore more sensitive than theLipsor fingertips.[5]In comparison, theGlans penisonly about 4000 mostly unspecialized free nerve ends, so-calledNozizeptor, which can only absorb pain irritations. Lettucenot only a large part of the nerve endings of the penis as a whole are removed by the circumcision, but also almost all of the particularly sensitive low-swellingspecialized nerve endingsirreversibly removed. After the circumcision, the remaining approximately 4000 nerve endings of the now permanently exposed acorn are surrounded by a constantly growing cornea for life. As a result of this keratinization, the sensitivity of the acorn is thus reduced with increasing age.
ForMany men play an important role in their sexual life due to their sexual sensitivity. Also damage or removalFrenulumsin the course of trimming can be considered critical. Like the preskin, this part of the penis has a greater nerve density than the acorn,[5]and is therefore also more sensitive than this.[5]ANNEXFrenulum can also play an important role in some sexual practices such as Fellatio. This, of course, also applies to the outer edge of the foreskin, which penetrates particularly tightly with nerve ends, the so-called veneered band, which rises at the transition region from theSkinthe outer preskin tomucous membranethe inner preskin is.[7]
The so far most detailed study, in which the penis sensitivity has been objectively investigated and the so far only study that included an examination of the sensitivity of the fore skin, found thatthat non-cut men, compared to trimmed men, have up to four times higher sensitivity for touch irritation on the penis.(See Graphik right)
By means of special neurological measuring instruments, so-called Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments, which were previously used to investigate the sensitivity of female genitals, the scientists investigated the sensitivity for light touches at 17 points of the intact penis and at the remaining 9 points of the circumcisioned penis plus two points on the circumcision scar.[4]
The study came to the conclusion:
“The circumcision removes the most sensitive!!️Part of the male penis and reduces the sensitivity for light touches of the Glans penis. The most sensitive regions of the uncut penis are those parts of the penis that are removed by circumcision. Compared to the most sensitive area that the cut penis still possesses, several points of the uncut penis (the dorsal as well as ventral hem of the foreskin opening, the Frenulum close to the veneered band, and the Frenulum near the mucoccitan compound) that lacks the cut penis are significantly more sensitive. ‘[4]
3. orgasm difficulties❗️
An extensive Danish study by Frisch, Lindholm, and Gronbaek (2011), which examined the sexual effects of circumcision, found that circumcision caused a variety of sexual problems both for men and for their partners. !
The study, in which more than 5,000 men and women were examined, found that circumcision with frequent orgasm difficulties in men!️ and a variety of sexual difficulties in women is associated, in particular orgasm difficulties, difficulties with penetration, painful sexual intercourse and a “feeling of incomplete fulfillment of sexual needs.[8]
……usw. …
LG 🙋🏻
If it’s still possible, I’d try to prevent this crap. They tend to clarify the risks of the op, but after that they feel almost nix more they say the nix. He’s gonna be fine, and it’s gonna take forever with SB. It has been over 4 years and it has not improved again. I’m sure they ruined some nerves. regret it very much that I have agreed to this misfortune.
In which age you were circumcised
With 45 j
No nerves were destroyed, but much more radical, they were removed.
Due preskin is not just skin. Most of the nerves run in the foreskin.
Sexual effects of circumcision
“The fore skin is primarily erogenous tissue necessary for normal sexual function. The complex interaction between the protopathic sensitivity of the acorns that are poor in corpuscular receptors and the furious band of the male foreskin that is rich in corpuscular receptors is necessary for normal sexual behavior in intercourse. Undoubtedly, the amputation of the foreskin leads to changes in the sexual behavior of men and women. ‘
penile sensitivity
The foreskin, not the acorn, is the most sensitive part of the penis for easy contact. On average, the foreskin contains over 73m nerve fibers and thousands of predominantly specialized nerve ends including (Meissner bodies, Father-Pacini bodies, Rufini bodies and Merkel cells). These specialized nerve ends can detect even lightest touches and temperature and texture differences. The foreskin is therefore more sensitive than the lips or fingertips. In comparison, the Glans penis contains only about 4,000 free nerve ends, which are predominantly unspecialized, so-called nozizeptors, which can only absorb pain irritations. Ultimately, not only a large part of the nerve endings of the penis as a whole are removed by the circumcision, but also almost all of the particularly sensitive low-swelling specialized nerve endings irreversibly removed. After the circumcision, the remaining approximately 4000 nerve endings of the now permanently exposed acorn are surrounded by a constantly growing cornea for life. As a result of this keratinization, the sensitivity of the acorn is thus reduced with increasing age.
The so far most detailed study, in which the penis sensitivity has been objectively investigated and the so far only study that included an examination of the sensitivity of the fore skin, found that that non-cut men, compared to trimmed men, have up to four times higher sensitivity for touch irritation on the penis.
orgasm difficulties
An extensive Danish study by Frisch, Lindholm, and Gronbaek (2011), which examined the sexual effects of circumcision, found that circumcision caused a variety of sexual problems both for men and for their partners.
The study, in which more than 5,000 men and women were examined, found that circumcision is associated with frequent orgasm difficulties in men and a variety of sexual difficulties in women, in particular orgasm difficulties, difficulties with penetration, painful sexual intercourse and a “feeling of incomplete fulfillment of sexual needs.
Source: Studies, sexual effects of circumcision
In today’s time, you can no longer exclude it. Unnecessary surgery that is quickly pulled through…
I’ve got a lot of suspicion that’s all about money, so we’ve got someone who gets a lot of money back from the health insurance company, we’re operating now.
With women and gv, there’s nothing more to do because he’s no longer standing. Now can only do something with men, which is only related to licking. Which woman needs someone who can make almost nix mer. Well, I’ve got to be clear now.
Thank you.
Yes, it’s obvious that some doctors seem to be on the road in the last millennium. What its intention is, I do not want to make any mutations, but according to what studies produce, the facts are actually clear.
A great compliment to you that you will describe your personal experiences here. You can only pull the hat before that.
What I’ve read here, also by women who are pushing men or boys to be circumcised because they find it so horny… an irresponsible hypocrisy.
If you follow the link, there is a lot more written. A very good report, as I find…
Thank you for this detailed report, finally someone who has dealt with this mutilation. Unfortunately, one is smart only afterward and trusts the doctors without questioning.
My cousin has repeatedly stretched his foreskin in the bathtub with warm water until she finally went completely over the acorn.
It took a while but he got the problem on his own
How old is he
he was teenager at the time 12,13 so about the turn
There she was probably not too tight but only glued, and this has dissolved in the water piece by piece.
Nee I think that was a real phimosis, not just a glue (but of course did not read the medical evidence)
Such problems can often be solved without genital mutilation, with all the following consequences. A circumcision should always be the last way.
He says he had a constriction and he has stretched his foreskin over months until she went over the squirrel. At the wreath he had an additional bond, which was probably the most difficult to solve
Was he with the doctor? But bonds dissolve well in the water. Constrictions rather less
This is all half so wild… this is a standard intervention made daily 1000de paints in Germany… your girlfriend will be happy
A communication is never standard and involves great risks, apart from the irreversible consequences.
What are you worried about?
You will probably not have any pain, and if so, they are primarily mentally caused. You can still take a pain pill if you want. Only please do not at all ask Aspirin/ASS!!!
How do you want to notice a possible difference in feeling if you have a pre-skin narrowing and probably not yet really shows how sex feels with the fore skin?
Actually, I don’t know how active sex feels.
Nevertheless, I’m afraid of feeling loss because W*xxen can I and I could lose.
Feeling loss I have not and have been circumcised for a long time
It cannot be said to what extent you feel less after circumcision. As a rule, circumcised men feel enough to come to orgasm and enjoy sex. You’d have to get to know your penis again and find out which touches make you happy. Sliding gel or the like is also recommended. Besides, you would have to accept the circumcision in yourself and be clean with yourself, because sexuality is primarily a headache. If one is afraid of a possible loss of feeling, a circumcision is recommended in which as much is left from the inner side of the fore skin as possible – a so-called “high” circumcision. Crimping should nevertheless fail – a partial trimming or loose trimming is not recommended. On Wikipedia you can find pictures of the different circumcision styles in the editing article. But don’t let yourself be insecure by what can happen if you do a circumcision or not.