Angst keine Silvester sachen mehr zu bekommen?
Also ich habe nix bestellt. Denkt ihr ich bekomme wenn ich in der früh um 8 uhr zu verschiedenen läden fahre noch was oder ist dann schon alles weg?
Ich wohne auch nicht in einer stadt und die ganzen läden werden also nicht so stark besucht.
ich meine am ersten tag wenn es rakteten etc. gibt gleich um 8 uhr in der früh hinfarhen
Stay calm, you’ll find something and get it!
( I have bought everything online that comes automatically by courier)
now is Christmas
yes I hope, but I think they’ll get back every day and then it’ll be something…
That’s all right, I’ll see you
Thank you… I can tell you. What did you order? Which price approx.
I mean, it’s gonna work for your satisfaction I’m sure
Since fireworks are dangerous, only limited quantities can be in the lining.
Can be at most that everything is empty in the morning after the first storm. It happened to me last year. After the sale ban last year, people were totally crazy. I didn’t get anything in the morning, even though I was there well 15 minutes before opening.
An hour later, just go back. Everything was quiet and relaxed and everything refilled
Don’t worry, there’s enough of it, there’s really no risk it’s sold out.
You don’t have to worry, you’ll get enough
You don’t get any before the 28/29.12. And sooooo fast the stuff isn’t sold out. Ask me every year on the new why you want to throw money out for something like that.
You realize we haven’t even had Christmas Eve yet?
You don’t get anything, get 18.
With my parents already 🙂
but you must not use the fireworks anyway. Your parents, like I said, are in debt when they leave the fireworks to you.
Yes, your parents must use the fireworks, so light up. Or even better you just don’t buy fireworks or your parents in the case.
Then I guess my parents have to light the rockets. What, wait, who wants to check if I or my father lights the ractants in my own garden?
aha na then, but doesn’t change the fact that you can’t use fireworks, I just wanted to point out. From your questions here it is quite clear that you want to use fireworks.
I’m not talking about 5:00 in the morning. That was a question that I would not achieve. If I were interested, I’d be interested.
that is completely insignificant whether your parents are with or not. The use of fireworks from under 18-year-olds is counterfeit. Use means unpacking, preparing, igniting, etc. You must not do that whether your parents are standing next to or not, plays absolutely no role. I also doubt that your parents will get up in the morning at 5 a.m. and walk around the area to give Böller. That’s so disgusting.
they are with us when we announce it. I don’t run out alone with hells etc