angst die ausbildung abzubrechen?
Hey leute
ich HASSE meinen Betrieb und die extremen Arbeitszeiten die ich habe in der Ausbildung (6:30 bis 17 uhr). Mit Heimfahrt bin ich erst um 18 Uhr zuhause und hab dann nur um die 3 Stunden Freizeit weil ich wieder um 5 Uhr aufstehen muss.
Das Problem ist nur, ich bin Anfang 24 und fühle mich schon viel zu spät im Leben. Um noch eine Ausbildung anzufangen wäre ja schon extrem, weil ich dann erst mit 27-28 fertig wäre.
Mein Hauptproblem ist aber eher mein Ausbilder, weil er es wirklich abartig hasst etwas 2 mal erklären zu müssen und VOR ALLEM, wenn ich etwas nachfrage was er mir schon 2 mal erklärt hat es aber Monate her ist.
Und ich wohne in einem Dorf und etwas Neues zu finden dauert wirklich ewig.
Was schlagt ihr mir vor?
(Ich bin im zweiten Ausbildungsjahr)
I’ve had two hours of free time with a short sleep. This is very pleasant with good organization.
Industrial safety seems to be adhered to. So you should be allowed to celebrate the hours or get paid out. That’s OK. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the luck since I drove longer.
But if it doesn’t fit from chemistry and you can’t clarify it or can’t make any change. Of course, you have to ask yourself if you can do something different, or if your instructor thinks so well. Don’t ruin your health and get out if it doesn’t change. You’re not too old. Otherwise go through.
1 Tip to the problem with the instructor (also trainers)
Yes, it’s often cumbersome if you have to explain one thing again and again, I don’t even deny 😉
If there is another task that has been explained to you, ask your instructor if he will explain it once more so that you can make notes that you can then show him (if I have written it correctly?) and then if months later the task is up again, you can do this for a lot more self-employed because you can read it instead of asking.
I do this myself, still today when I learn something new 😃
Maybe this will help you
First of all, you have to take care of them, always aged by 3 years in a month, is already violent, that sometimes on the edge.
To your question, in your contract is working hours from 06:30 – 17:00?
Would be interesting 10, 5 hours, with legal allowed 10 hours. I assume that your regular work time is 8 hours and the break times, but also your break times would be somewhat oversized.
I don’t have the feeling that your instructor feels like “hass” against you, he’ll rather be a bit upset that he has to explain a lot to you several times. The question is, how is your interest in the work, just to tear off the time or do you care about the job?
Whatever you want to do, find the reason for the decision with you and don’t look for reasons to blame others. If you were interested in training, you would be looking for a conversation with the next supervisor or with a teacher at the vocational school.
If you’re really 24 years old and not 3 years old next month, you should know what you want.
Then the training is done in a few weeks when you age at the pace.
So for two weeks, I wouldn’t think I should break off
Hahaha always these people here who age for years in a few days. I’m glad not to be someone like that
That’s normal. You get used to time. It’s not different with me and others. As I did my training in the retail sector, I had no spare time at all except where I slept.
You had asked this question before, right?
Is the instructor directly the boss? If no, turn to the boss. Otherwise, ask at the vocational school how to behave. If it is very bad, you can also contact the training advice of the relevant board.
Actually, the trainer learns how to deal with Azubis and how to explain something during his training as an instructor. Are you in the training framework?
Also, if you want to make some notes again, you can check the next time and may not have to ask again.
And if something has been explained, repeat it with your words and ask if it has understood correctly.
I can understand you more than that, so I am, I am 20 and in my current position have exactly the same feeling as you. My advice to you may be hard for you now, but don’t give up and finish your training and as a reward you finance a beautiful trip or something else after successful completion of your training. But really finish them, and keep going.
Good tip
Make civil money and your own thing as I do. Even with a proper training, you deserve a dirt today, at least in DE/AT. If you want to go to work, you should move to Switzerland and make an education there and go to work later. ;
You should ask the board if they might have another training place for you then you don’t need to cancel the training.
Finish the training so you can handle something. Do not move into question? Maybe you’ll find something closer at work.
Pull through.
But I am surprised by the working hours.
I guess he’s got a long ride. With driving time, it fits.
The driving time is still on top of it:
I work 10 hours a day because I have only 6 hours work on Friday so I have to do + hours so I can balance the 2 on Friday I also don’t know why I were done 10 hours instead of just 8:30 because the hätts also done
I had overtime last year 84
I know it wasn’t different at that time. I was exploited to the last. I had started with the boss at 7:00 in the morning until 9:00 in the evening and then I drove my boss home. Since I only got a small pocket money of 326 euros in the first year and the workstation was only 15 km away, I was not allowed to move despite an extremely long journey in the country.
It may be a weak consolation:
But look at those who don’t have an end where they all land.
We have 2024, no more 1984. So much.
Stand by and maybe write down how it is explained. If the vocational school is anyway.
after that you have a completed training in your hand, on which you can build your whole life!
Pull through. Then at least you have 27 things in your hand.
Pull through.
Welcome to the slave state of Germany. Your condition is as ” Hamsterrad ” known.
If I tell you now that civil money you get all paid, rent, extra costs, nice warm bud, long sleep, and the operating costs repaid, then up there 365 days free time – will you still work?
in the second year of training – this is not worth stopping because you have completed training in one year.
Just grab a medical report. You go to the doctor and whistle, you’re sick, you’re sick and you already have some air.
With completed training you have high salary, we say 2 or 3 gross and may pay the rent yourself, and health insurance.
How do you think you have a high level of training?
Especially when you just slip through the training and there are plenty of bad days.
Do you succeed?
That was irony of him. 3k Euro net / month are nothing more nowadays.
Success, success is not to run in the hamster wheel. Until retirement and then after 12 years of death. Success is, he has worked a life as slaves for governments and their officials, for the “social system” torn up his ass. Taxes and taxes in Germany are far too high, that is not taxes, that is slavery. But: the majority wants it so, the majority loves the hamster wheel, who doesn’t want to either go out or go to the civic money.
that is a good proposal. I can’t sleep.
Paulchen… put you back!