Angst das während des schwimmtrainings Periode kommt?
Am Montag sollte ich meine Periode bekommen und da sind immer pünktlich ist habe ich Angst wenn sie am Morgen nlchbnicht da ist dass ich sie dann im Schwimmunterricht bekomme da ich da nicht an meine Tasche gehen darf. Also ich meine das ich sie im Wasser und so bekome. Ps: könnte auch kein Tampon nehmen weil ich Angst davor habe
Hey, there’ll be no other way except soft tampons:)
from the gyn
Even if you get it, you don’t have crash bleeding.
Yes but fear that when I’m in the water blood can be seen or when I get out of the water blood drips
Like I said, you don’t get crash bleeding.
Then you have to stick to the advice of DerPfleger01.
Well, the lessons go 2 h and I’m bleeding in the 2 h
Um, then just let me know you’ve got your period and that’s why you don’t get to workout? I can’t use tampons, and honestly, I don’t know how to “go to your bag” in the situation – ties don’t work in the water.
you got the questions completely wrong.
Okay, would you maybe explain it to me?
But if you don’t have your days, you don’t have them and you can get into the water and that won’t be a swim instructor, etc. because it’s like that, and if I have my days, “again” for one or two weeks, it’s already suspicious I say.
You can tell her she’s late – she can take care of the rest with you. And when you go to school, irregular periods are nothing more unusual, you are still young, so no one should really think about something.
I have a very good relationship with my mother only the thing that is shown as “switching” and if my period comes one or two weeks later I can say Ka badly that I have it again and then she is there and can’t go back to the water.
Why not? Don’t you have a good relationship with your mother? Otherwise you can just explain the situation to her just as you did here. And if that’s uncomfortable with your mother, maybe your father instead?
No one but I need an apology from my mother, and I can’t go to her and say, “I’m afraid I can get my days write an apology to me.
And who controls if you really have your period?
yes, only if I don’t have my period, there is no reason not to go into the water and so it is stated as a failure
But you’re here, you can’t take part because you can’t get in the water? Is there really bad hours at your school? That’s what I’d find, and I’d be complaining about it. It never happened to me.
Because swimming lessons from school
What’s wrong?
But then every time you have failed to bear witness, even though you have not had the days is also stupid
Then I wouldn’t go to swim training at all in your place.
rather not so have never been leading, no cramps or so
Oh, I’ve read a “soll” from the “solt”.
So your period is usually regular, but now almost a week overdue? Then I hope swim training isn’t the only thing you’re wasting a thought.
Do you usually notice when you get your period, or rather not?
So I didn’t get my period, but fear I’m getting them in the water during the swim and then blood is in the water or when I’m going out dripping blood. And the bandage was so to say another theme