Angst bei Inseraten wegen “perfekten Deutschkenntnisse”?

Ich habe mir vor kurzem Inserate angesehen, die sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse verlangen. Ich bin derzeit nicht auf Arbeitssuche, halte mich aber immer nach Ausschau. Ich arbeite gerade im Bereich vom Verkauf, würde aber gerne Zusatzqualifikationen machen, um mehr im Bürobereich tätig zu werden. Wenn ich diese Stellenanzeigen aber lese, bekomme ich immer ein mulmiges Gefühl, weil ich weiß, dass meine Deutschkenntnisse nicht sehr gut bzw. perfekt sind.

Was sind diese “sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse”? Wie kann ich sie erreichen?

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2 years ago

If you speak as you write, you should, in principle, fulfill the requirement.

Speaks or writes more or less severely broken and also nudifies, it is not suitable for the place.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bananaphone0

At my time, the German skills of the FT have not been sufficient.

2 years ago
Reply to  AriZona04

Yeah, I know. It’s a bit different today. What’s he got to lose when he’s applying?

2 years ago

😁 bessa isset

2 years ago

sees there will learn isch unt mic anpasen

2 years ago

The world has changed. If you don’t accept it, you may break it or you’ll hang it off. You have to adapt, otherwise you may lose the connection. Especially younger, because for them it is literally about the sausage.

And so much on the subject: German knowledge is more than sufficient for today’s professional world. The FS does not want to win the Adalbert-Stifter Prize. English is important.

2 years ago

I’m old. And I got other values.

2 years ago

You’re really alien to the world, Arizona. Or does it work like that?

2 years ago

Hope. Because you did this to him.

Germany, where did we go?

2 years ago

Design: I find your formulations and spelling not really disturbing. You also seem to dominate the composition, which is rare enough here.

Corrections: “for perfect German knowledge”

“But always look out”

Ask your superior for his assessment! LG

2 years ago

So I think your German is pretty good. Compared to other articles that you read here on good question, your German is almost perfect. I rarely read a text with almost no mistakes.

2 years ago

You will give your knowledge of German in the letter price as well as your testimony. And a boss will always hire the best candidate. Perfect German skills are required in the office. It is a profession with a lot of responsibility. I don’t want to stop you, but you won’t come to perfect your German skills by school.

2 years ago

Practice, practice, practice…