Die Eltern meines Freundes sind stark erkältet und mein Freund ist jeden Tag zum essen dort. Ich habe Angst. Was kann ich tun?
Die Eltern meines Freundes sind stark erkältet und mein Freund ist jeden Tag zum essen dort. Ich habe Angst. Was kann ich tun?
Hey! Das, was ich jetzt erzähle ist nicht mir passiert aber einem guten Freund von mir und zwar… heute im Sportunterricht ist ihm die Vape aus der Tasche gefallen und die anderen haben das gesehen. Problem ist jetzt, dass sein Kumpel das gesehen hat und mein Kumpel jetzt Angst hat, dass seine Eltern das erfahren…was…
Hallo, bin m/19 und vielleicht hört es sich komisch an und “ich bin ja noch jung.”, aber ich verschwende die Zeit so sehr, dass ich mir langsam Angst macht. Der Grund ist, da ich Angst habe es nicht zu Erreichen in meine Karriere (wie Uni/FH), dass ich meine Hobbys die nicht wirklich ausleben kann und…
Hallo, seit 20 Tagen haben wir eine Katze bekommen. 5 Jahre, BKH. Anfangs, nach 1-2 Tagen, lief sie relativ viel rum, hat sich umgeguckt. Jetzt seit 1-2 Tagen verkriecht sie sich mehr, schläft viel mehr. Ansonsten ist sie fit. Spielt, frisst, trinkt und schmust ab und an. Kloverhalten ist wie immer. Meint ihr sie hat…
Die meisten sagen es liegt daran, dass man nicht so schön wie die anderen Ist. Stimmt das? Manche sagen auch es liegt daran, dass man sich selbst isoliert. Was denkt ihr darüber?
Mir gings/geht es halt momentan echt nicht gut (psychisch ) und war letztes Schuljahr häufig nicht da und so. Viele Lehrer machen sich jetzt halt Sorgen, also fragen jeden Tag, wie es mir geht und ob es mir wirklich gut geht, manche Fragen noch andere Sachen (manche Lehrer wissen halt mehr) und heute hatte ich…
As your friend is with you every day, you can’t really prevent a contagion.
Viruses are transmitted through the air, while coughing, talking and of course kissing.
Maybe you can talk to your friend he’s holding something, though that’s not protection.
And possibly wears a mask, although that would be funny 😷
Maybe strengthen the defenses with vitamin c.
His parents are simply not allowed to receive a visit in the state.
You cannot protect yourself or your friend from all the colds of this world. Your body also needs confrontation with viruses and bacteria to build and maintain defense. If you and your friend only pack in cotton, you are much more sensitive to diseases. Or are you afraid because he’s with his parents and you don’t get what’s going on, and it doesn’t have anything to do with a disease in the end?
But it has to do with a disease. What else?
It is always astonishing as questioners presume that people who are to answer them should already determine by magic ball what they have. Then write that you have an anxiety disorder of diseases. Or you’re a hypochond. But someone who answers to miss a pfiff because I… oh wonders, didn’t know you were so scared is a bit stupid, right? Or would you like that? Or is your generation no longer able to ask a clear question, which one can answer clearly? Do I have to continue playing “cold, warm, warm, hot” to get the bottom of your question?
Right, you’re right. I am a child and therefore I do not have the right to be insulted or to write reasonably with me. It’s not a good example. I mean, if I were 18, you wouldn’t care.
A child does not have to tell me what is mine and what is not
Oh, and on the Internet, you can make wild and brighter. Okay, you can make mistakes everywhere. I don’t think you’re making mistakes.
So what? We’re on the Internet and not at school. So let that be smart. Don’t stand
For that you have a degree, but you make a lot more brighter. If I’m honest, you’ll even make more spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes and character setting mistakes than I, who hasn’t completed yet.
Oh, sorry. I just had to help you. And since I helped you now, I wanted to thank you and offered you more help. However, here in Germany I can decide whether to stand or go at the Cologne Cathedral.
go away
Thanks for your positive feedback. I am also happy to find my answer helpful. If you have any more questions, you can ask them.
We’re not in school on the internet. You understand what I wanted to say. You don’t even have a degree yet and you’re thinking of making smart shit here. embarrassment
Sorry if I’m annoying, but please write it right. “Okay Child” would be the right version.
oky child
You judge very fast, at least with me…
I didn’t.
I’m not.
Well, your generation doesn’t seem to have learned that you don’t judge people you don’t know.
A cold is not quite pleasant but nevertheless it is almost normal that you get it annually. I had this mid-October. You can and should not protect yourself from all colds by isolation. The body needs contact with viruses and bacteria to build and strengthen the body’s defenses.
What you should do:
You don’t want to tell me you’re afraid of a cold. So here I can’t help you if you’re afraid of such things. Well, honestly, I’m sick with a cold every second month. I mean it’s not everyone likes to be sick (I don’t), but I mean a DECLARATION, of which you don’t die.
However, if you have a disease that worsens this, you should not take care of having “sick” people in future.
How do you want to know that I don’t have a disease which could make a cold dangerous for me?
Read the lower part
So the people who go to work sick are really inconsiderate because there are also people with an immune weakness etc. (even if it doesn’t affect you now, but for that at another point.
All right, I can’t sit at home. Got a job I have to go after.
If it is a risk for health reasons, it is important to discuss it in detail with the other person in order to be able to take countermeasures.
These would ventilate, limit or minimize contact to the greatest possible extent, reduce the exchange of body fluids and see that you regularly visit a doctor.
It’s not for health reasons.
Then you don’t need that.
you are
What exactly are you afraid of? The cold is normal.
If you are so afraid of it (while fear is not really beneficial to the immune system), your system will be strong:
Sports, fresh air, good social contacts, good nutrition, optional Nems
Just because it’s normal, you don’t have to pass this cold on to others intentionally?
You’re keeping people something…. Then disinfect everything. Stay alone. A monk stop. Oh, my God!
Me too:)
You – that’s me!
Become grown:)
And again your mindset. You ask, so you get answers. A nice day to you:-)
It did. But it doesn’t matter. No matter what I say you will find a reason to make me bad and judge me. So I’m saving my effort to explain this to you.
You, I embrace all the people I like and they can come and I can go even if they are sick. If you don’t want to stay alone and don’t go. You won’t be able to change others, just your attitude and mindset. What are you doing for your immune system? Do you have to have a reason to have shots before a cold?
You should generally be so reasonable from a certain age that you do not invite people when you are contagious. I even knew that when I was a kid. How do I do?
The visit doesn’t have to go. What are you doing?
You do. Because they receive visits to know they are contagious.
You’re telling people they’re going to pass on their cold.
Who am I doing exactly what?
The problem is probably more your unfounded fear of things that you cannot prevent and not that the parents of your friend visit when they are cold.
Work on your fear. The world doesn’t have to adapt to you.
Huh? Because you shouldn’t be sick when you’re contagious.
What others should or should not do is none of your business.
You seem to have to be right here and get a confirmation of your fear.
Sure, I have something to do with it:)
Since you have never spoken of asthma or other lung diseases on your part in your remaining questions about colds, I think this statement is invented.
Right, as an asthma patient, my fear is completely unfounded you are right:)
The author is still responsible for the quality of the questions and not the community.
But I’m guessing because you don’t get any extra information, that there is no one, and your fear is really completely unfounded.
Yeah, but you could ask instead of just saying? I assume that 1987 stands for your vintage. If that’s how I have to say that you’re very kind of acting sorry, but it’s so.
You’re here because you want answers. We can only answer what you tell us about you. A “you don’t know me” is in DEINEM area of responsibility.
So if there would be a fact that would explain your fear (NOT BREAKING) then you will have to tell us.
Otherwise, you’ll get exactly the answers you’ve already received.
Yes, I must. If you don’t know me, don’t let me know. I don’t like you either.
NIEMAND likes to be sick.
But that’s why you don’t need to be afraid of a cold.
Sorry, not everyone likes to be sick.
If he puts you in, you’ll have a sniff. End.
So listen to you so artificially upset about it.
When my friend puts me in, it’s a little easy for me.
No. Because these are all adult, independent people and your fear is unfounded, overcrowded and illogical.
Of course, my friend goes to his sick parents.
Fear is generally bad because it weakens the immune system.
On the other hand, a week more contact avoidance would be good, on the other hand you can infect yourself everywhere.
If you don’t belong to a risk group as far as you are.
we live together so I can’t get him out of this.
You have to go. Otherwise, you would have to close all public institutions just because someone is cold. It is not possible to deceive ourselves and everyone. And finally it’s not the plague.
So you haven’t beaten everything up yet?