Angenommen ihr erwischt euer 15 jähriges Kind mit einem Joint oder Haschbrownie – wie reagiert ihr innerlich?

Geht nicht darum, welche Maßnahmen ihr dem Kind gegenüber ergreifen würdet, sondern nur was ihr innerlich am ehesten denkt.

Disclaimer: Und bevor irgendwer der absurden Ansicht wäre, das wäre Werbung für den Konsum von Drogen, nein, ist es nicht. Kinder/Jugendliche sollten keinesfalls Drogen konsumieren.

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2 years ago

I would talk to my child to him/her explain what they are. If it continues to ask the answer of course 🙂

2 years ago

If my child gets caught with 15 of me or someone else zb teacher with nem joint or alcohol, then I will be very disappointed by my child.

if you do something forbidden you should be so clever not to get caught. This is also part of the responsible action that one can expect from about 15 years.

After all, there are only 3 years to the full year.

Talks about alcohol and drugs have been taking place with me for years.

2 years ago

You don’t die from a joint! You’re not a bad person either.

But I (wore, and) had a serious conversation. All the risks I know are explained and better to let it happen!
And not to consume because others do.

With the success of paying attention to greater caution. I probably noticed one or other consumption, but it was not important and has almost been completely discontinued.

But there was also a drug crash of a comrade. That showed effect.

2 years ago

As long as it doesn’t get overhand, I wouldn’t worry about it. Too bad for me.

2 years ago

I’d think inside, oh no, he’s not going to be a permanent suit just because all his friends do the same

2 years ago

I would have a very intense conversation with my child and would go to the police as an educational measure.

2 years ago
Reply to  FrauLehrerin1

hard, but quite appropriate

1 year ago
Reply to  FrauLehrerin1

Well, you just show your kid that you can’t trust. According to my experience, the bond between parents and their child is largely trusted. Otherwise it can’t go to his parents if something should be because it’s scared. And it’s just a joint so half as bad

2 years ago

then I knew I had done something wrong