Angenommen, es gäbe zwei Psychopathen?

Der eine ist beruflich nicht so erfolgreich.

Der andere ist beruflich erfolgreich und verdient viel Geld.

Welcher der beiden wäre wohl eher kriminell?

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10 months ago

It’s hard to say.

The more unsuccessful has a motivation that would even be ethically acceptable.

But, from a certain level of wealth, you don’t get there without a few proverbial bodies in the basement.

So, I think the question is too vague. In general, I doubt that you even know what a ‘psychopath’ is from a clinical-psychological view.

9 months ago

You can’t say that on a flat-rate basis.

Some use their job and their contacts to get to victims or take advantage of the opportunity, for example, when they are busy to do illegal things there in foreign places.

Others use the many free time without a job to seek victims.

10 months ago

It has nothing to do with professional success. There are both homeless serial killers as well as those who work as a doctor and have a completed medical degree.

10 months ago
Reply to  thatsmypw1

Psychopaths can be classified in many ketogories, so I don’t know what people you’re thinking about right now. Mostly you are manipulative narcissists without empathy or cannibalist necrophiles or…

I think that there are now no disproportionately many psychopaths who want to benefit from economic crime. Most want to earn illegal money just see the quick money – but have control. The majority as you say is completely harmless to humanity.

10 months ago

Why would one of them ever be criminal? Being a psychopath does not automatically mean having a tendency to criminal acts. We’re not in Hollywood.

10 months ago

If you have less, you’re more willing to risk anything because you don’t have anything.