Angemessener Preis für ein Konzert?
Was ist für euch ein angemessener Preis für ein Konzert jetzt nicht für A List Künstler sondern eher die welche vielleicht schon bekannt sind aber jetzt kein Elton John oder Sam Smith sondern eher ein Nischenpublikum bedient?
Always depends on the artist and what he offers. But if it’s not one of the greatest artists, 50-110€ would be okay. As I said, depending on what he delivers.
However, if it is a very small concert, as a maximum of 1000 visitors, then more than 50€ would already be a little marginal
yes I say so at most 1000-2000 people sometimes couple examples of bands (Hot Mulligan, OG Keemo, Blond)
I don’t know any of those except blond. And then definitely not more than 45€
It depends.
Some artists put a lot in the show and stage. Some less.
Would say 50-100 €
Club concerts are worth €25, hall concerts €50.
I don’t care about the effort of the stage show, I pay the musicians for their handwork.
50-100€ I would be appropriate, depending on the category
You can count on 100-300 euros, depending on the artist.
have not written an A Lister artist and there are 100 euro safe too much
No, I don’t think so. Grade make Corona must take many artists more money.
Everything up to 80 euros must pay so much for most artists, which is okay because they have to pay rent, electricity, employees etc for example at Apache207
I have paid between 15 and 25 euros for most of the time