Angemessen in den Trauerraum zu gehen?

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Hallo zusammen,

Bei mir an der Schule hat jemand aus der 9. Klasse über’s Wochenende Selbstmord begangen. Deshalb wurde zwei Zimmer neben unserem Klassenzimmer ein Trauerraum Eingerichtet. Da wir natürlich Neugierig sind, wer das war, haben wir mit dem Gedanken gespielt, in den Trauerraum zu gehen, in der Hoffnung, dass dort ein Bild von ihm hängt. Käme das Respektlos Rüber wenn ein paar Jungs aus der 7. In den Trauerraum gehen? Oder wäre das Angemessen?

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2 months ago

Why not? Somehow you have to know who it was, whether you knew him and others.

It is also necessary to learn how to deal with death, free death and sadness. There are many reasons to visit the mourning room.

I’m sure you’re aware that you’re visiting the room with respect.

2 months ago

It would be appropriate to ask teachers or pupils who killed himself.

The mourning room should first be available to those who knew him.

If you want to look in later, to satisfy your curiosity, okay, but please just if you don’t mind a mourning…

2 months ago

The idea of going into the room is not funny. After all, you want to know what exactly happened and who that was…

2 months ago

Ui, this offers possibilities for self-reflexion!

Why don’t you even want to respectfully deal with her after the death of the person? If you have answered this individually, the desire for the curiosity is guaranteed to be distorted.

2 months ago

You just want to go in there out of curiosity! That’s totally inappropriate! It is a mourning room and not suitable to satisfy your curiosity.