Sehr geehrte Leser:in,
ich würde gerne denn Angelschein machen. Da würde ich gerne wissen lohnt sich es den Vorbereitungskurs bei einem Angel Verein zu machen oder gibt es gute Apps oder sonstiges wo man es gut lernen kann?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
When fishing, you can choose between a preparation course at a fishing club or learning app. A course in the association can offer practical experience and contacts to experienced learners. Apps can allow more flexible learning. The choice depends on your learning preference and time. 🎣📚
Much success,
Thanks for your answer, I’ve got another 2.5 months.
Hi, learn about fishing in the internet and youtube there you will find inspiration and answer easy and what is very important leave you time before you decide for a way,
hope you could help me
yes, and practice an app to meet the throw of a rod a circle
Thank you for your answer!
I made it in a club. After six days, I had the ticket.
I would recommend you to make it in the fishing club because fishing king usually learns a lot of unnecessary what a novice NOW does not need at all.
Thank you for your answer!