Angeblich Pakete versehentlich zu mir geliefert, Betrugsmasche?

Heute hatte ich auf Anrufbeantworter eine Nachricht von einer Handy Nr.

Im Hintergrund wurde gesprochen, klang wie Callcenter (!)

Zu mir wären versehentlich 4 Pakete von Hermes geliefert worden, ich solle bitte zurück rufen.

Man sprach mich mit korrektem Nachnahmen an.

Ich habe erst mal abgewartet ob tatsächlich Pakete angekommen sind.

Dem war nicht so.

Ich erwarte auch zzt. keine Pakete.

Ist das eine Betrugsmasche, und wenn ja, wie funktioniert die?


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3 years ago

you don’t have to answer if you didn’t order anything or you didn’t get anything. I want them to prove that to you if they want anything from you. then you can still display them. just write this to yourself on the incident now in the calendar or diary.

I’m always dismissed and I don’t take any packages for other people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Waeller1966

then ask the police. yes, there are so many mashes. If you’re going after the packages, they’re supposed to turn to the police. the package can’t just give something to strange people. I forbid that to send it to all, packages that are for me, to put it down.

3 years ago

the package can’t just give something to strange people.

Yes, he may. All parcel services have specified this in their terms and conditions and the sender has accepted it as a client.

At DHL there is the possibility to specify “no neighborhood delivery” as an advance order. This then costs the consignor per package where it clicks the € 0.50 extra. Then this goes directly to the branch when no one is home

3 years ago

They can’t call me because I’m not in the phone book. You must not let yourself be entered in the Tel.Büchern and then Hermes could not have bothered you now. Such mashing can only spark when you leave your data open to strange people everywhere. Nobody calls me because nobody gets mine.