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2 years ago

They mean that you have a wide-sightedness, and a corneal curvature (astigmatism) on the right eye. And for the close to the near additive Add 1.75.

2 years ago
Reply to  gerscher44

To what extent do you mean treating?

2 years ago
Reply to  rdsince2010

You forgot the addition (“read addition” in the slide viewing glasses).

And on the left there seems to be no corneal curvature.

2 years ago
Reply to  DODOsBACK

Right! Left is not astigmatism. Sorry, I’m improving this in my post right away.

2 years ago

An ophthalmologist must decide whether your eyes can be lasered. You should ask about your question. But one thing has to be clear to you: if the cornea is removed, you can see better in the distance, maybe even without glasses, but for the close you will still need glasses – simply because Your eye lens is no longer elastic enough to adjust to both distances. That’s why you have a gliding eyeglass.

Alternatively, there is the possibility – provided that the ophthalmologist/operating doctor gives his “ok” – to let you use multifocal lenses surgically.

Here is a link to it, there is everything else in it ->

Ask your ophthalmologist if and what options you could have.

2 years ago

Spherical = basic strength

Cylinder = corneal curvature

Axchse = position of corneal curvature

Addition = read addition in a gliding viewing spectacle

More information: goggles/ gogglespass-right-read