Anfänger Metalldetektor?
Hallo zusammen,
Ich möchte gerne mit dem Hobby Sondeln Anfangen. Ich möchte mich auf Funde rund um den 2 Weltkrieg beschränken und diese hauptsächlich auf Äckern bzw. Jetzt zum Anfang auf dem Gartenberg meiner Oma suchen. Da mein Opa Soldat im 2. Weltkrieg war, und nach Kriegsende einige Sachen im Garten vergraben habe, dachte ich, dass das ein guter Anfang wäre um mit dem Hobby zu beginnen. Jetzt stellt sich natürlich die Frage nach einem geeigneten Detektor. Mein Budget beläuft sich für den Anfang Mal bis maximal 500 Euro. Nach ein wenig Recherche kam ich auf den
Nokta Simplex +
Gerrett Ace 250
Welchen würdet ihr mir empfehlen und oder habt ihr andere Empfehlungen?
As a certified probe, I recommend that you be familiar with the legal regulations in your country.
In the meantime, it is essential to try to obtain a probe loner permit.
It could otherwise be a very expensive matter, and then it’s over for a very long time, with this hobby. And then the device is gone.
It is the same principle as fishing. Everyone can buy a fishing gear. But with the purchase of a fishing, you haven’t been able to sit on any water and fishing for a long time, have you?
Apart from that, there are places where fighting has taken place, eh taboo zones and should be avoided because of the fund ammunition.
Hello, thanks for the answer. I’ve tried to get the legal obstacles. I really feel first and foremost, or To test for a private ground
There are very experienced seekers who also have YT channels. There is also a need for a code of conduct and also for approval, especially for private land, for state land there are different criteria depending on the federal state. Some plots are commercial. In any case, there is also a lot to consider.
A probe is not enough anyway. You need the metal detector, tools for trench, pinpointer, fund bag, matching clothes and possible permissions.
As I said, there are several channels that also provide equipment recommendations.
Gebrüder Lange e.g.
Hello, thanks for the answer. Since it is my or That my grandma and mine act, I have to look for permission there. Tools for digging and clothes are available. A pin pointer is already available. In several videos I’ve seen myself as well as in some forums is the conversation of these 2 devices mentioned. That’s why I wanted to ask reviews if someone already tested both devices
Hab den Simplex+ and am very satisfied