Anfänger Kamera usw?

Hey, wollte mich mal nebenbei informieren, welche Kamera ihr für “Anfänger” empfehlen würdet, und alle weiteren Dinge die man braucht.

Was ich machen will;

Ich will Fotos von Hunden, und Katzen machen, aber ich werde auch mal zwischen Landschaft und Natur variieren. Mein Budget streckt sich bis Ca 1500€, was wären da eure Vorschläge?

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1 year ago

With the budget you can start a lot, especially if you look around used cameras, which I would recommend to any beginner.

The question is to be the pictures of running dogs or mutilate the dogs and cats somewhere cozy. A camera with good animal autofocus and focus tracking, which makes you so much more enjoyable of such photos, will cost you again at the 1000€. Cameras with less good tracking (which, however, is far from impossible to photograph running animals!) very much cheaper.

Landscapes and nature does not claim to a camera at all and you can really take as well as everything that has appeared in the last 10 years. Even a Canon EOS 600D from 2011 is more than sufficient, but would recommend you to the EOS 750D or 70D if you want a better tracking.

Also consider that good lenses cost money and are significantly more important for image quality than the camera. A good camera with a budget lens brings you less image quality than a budget camera with a good lens.

On new cameras I would advise you to Sony A6100/A6400 or Canon EOS R10. But go into a business and take it into your hand before:)

1 year ago
Reply to  Wolfsky

As said the cameras mentioned below, and lens comes to the distance. If this is 5-10 metres apart, then a 70-300mm lens like the Canon EF 70-300 IS II USM or the RF 100-400mm USM. At Sony you will find similar lenses, just a little more expensive. With a shorter distance, a 24-105mm f4 is also sufficient as a standard lens, with Sony giving the 18-105mm f4.

1 year ago

A favorable 50mm f/1.8 is sufficient. If you get used as version for EF already below 100€.

1 year ago

You can adapt all the favorable EF objectives natively to the R10 without loss of speed.

1 year ago

As a beginner, you don’t need a full format camera, the already mentioned EOS R10 has the same autofocus as the R6. The previous cameras all have no autofocus. Then the EOS R7 is also aimed at semi-pros and therefore costs 1500€ without lens.

1 year ago

For entry you can take any camera of the last 7 to 10 years, which have all more potential than a beginner needs in the first year, even a four-digit Canon, although I always advise.

More important than the pure data sheet and x% of any laboratory values is DEIN feeling in hand!

How is the weight, like the size, too small, too light, too big or too heavy is doof and spoils the fun.

Can you reach all controls well, there are sufficient direct operating buttons (ISO, Weis matching, AF mode, etc)? Clicking through three menus is 1x a day ok, but 3x per hour sc…suboptimal.

How is the feedback of the operating elements? Clearly and unambiguously, or rather muddy and undefined?

If the buttons, rows and switches are crisp and unambiguously defined in the setting behavior, or can it be unintentionally passed that aperture, Af mode or shutter time are adjusted because everything is too easy and soft?

My best camera (Nikon D500) can be the total catastrophe for you because it doesn’t suit you.

The future of photography is certainly mirrorless, here you should look at different models of the different manufacturers exactly (see above) and take them in hand. Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Pentax, Sony, there is a lot to try out and the decision (the camera fits perfectly) can only be made.

You will be able to create very good images with each of these cameras, but you also have to deal with the respective camera and its operation, in addition to the basics and rules of photography. Investing a lot of money and hoping the horny camera will do this, will only bring frustration.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wolfsky

For me, mirrorless system cameras are the future of photography, because they allow a lot of things that would not be feasible at all with a mirror-reflection camera or only with great effort. Reflective reflective cameras were the top of development, as long as a light-sensitive plastic strip has turned the light into an image behind the mirror.

The only advantage that a mirror-reflection camera still has today is the unprecedented view of the motif, no filter, no electronics, no software that changes the motif in the view. For this reason, I have digital reflective cameras and not mirrorless cameras. I’ve been photographing for more than 40 years.

The mirrorless system cameras are smaller, partly too small (Sony 6xxx), they have significantly more focus points, they have a 5 axes image stabilization, they have an electronic shutter, with grandios short shutter times, video is significantly better possible. Anyone who starts with photography (and stays here for the next 50 years), should choose a perfectly suited mirrorless system camera and then buy lenses…1-2 per year.

1 year ago

Mobile phone cam for 0815

For your hobby tests a relatively recent action cam by GoPro z.b.

Later, if necessary Profiequipment, which goes right into the money.

1 year ago

Actually, it does a decent cell phone camera.

However, if you want to start a real hobby, you should learn more about your plans, because the camera market is so big that any recommendation can be completely wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wolfsky

You can easily go to a large photo shop or to Mediamarkt/Saturn in your budget. There are a lot of up-to-date cameras for testing.

You should first make the decision for a system: There are pretty good bridge cameras, partly with a large zoom range (which are usually not so strong). However, this is not my world, so I do not want to give a specific recommendation.

If it may be a bit more, you will come in the area of mirror reflex camera. I was very happy with a 600d for a long time, the successor or a successor should now be quite inexpensive, even with one or two lenses.

Finally, there are the mirrorless cameras. To be friends with them, I grabbed an extremely cheap Sony NEX-5 and was so impressed that it became a “biger” Sony, at the beginning the kit zoom is enough, later you might want a telezoom. However, the mirrorless tend to be “electrical eating”.

Consider that the acquisition of an objective is almost more important than that of a camera, so you have to choose a system that has a good lens selection. (However, this is partly offset by the adaptability of lenses)