Änfanger beim Reiten?
Ich hab mal ne Frage, ich bin ein Anfänger und will reiten und ich habe mich auch schon für eine Reitschule entschieden aber weiß so gut wie gar nichts über Pferde. Könntet ihr mir ein Paar Tipps für denn Anfang mitgeben!? Bin m(12) LG
Be on time.
You can learn what you don’t know.
Talk to the RL there, what literature they would recommend to learn more.
Many paths lead to Rome, so it is also with the way to good riding. Each RL sees something else more important in weighting and will put more value there, but we will all find ourselves in individual work for both the rider and the horse. Whether in the recreational riding stable or in the sports stable, it only distinguishes the wind under which you sail.
Keep in mind and do exactly what you say right away. Ask why or so, just after. First of all, obey promptly!
Watch that you don’t scare horses and don’t stand in the way.
So be reasonably dressed solid, ankle-high shoework, attached but comfortable clothes, helmet (in this respect you hopefully inquired what you need to bring, maybe there are helmets).
It’s important that you’re on time and basically do what you’re saying.
Questions about why and why something is done, you can ask for it.
Solid footwear (around ankle high) close-fit (but comfortable) clothing and a (bicycle) helmet, if there are no helmets, is one.
Otherwise, just leave on it and go carefully with the equipment and animals. The riding instructors will answer all the questions !
Respectfully with the horse, be consistent.
Imagine the horse you ride, means let it smell who you are.
Get off the horse.
Be careful with him if there’s something wrong with it.
Thank you:)
Read some books or watch videos on Youtube. But if you have a good riding school, you get all the necessary information from there.