Anfang einer bulimie?
Hey ich wollte euch mal was fragen
ich bin 17 und 1,58 und wiege 69 natürlich ist das Übergewicht aber dennoch sieht man das bei mir nicht so stark
Ich wollte fragen ob das was ich euch jetzt erzähle ein Anfang einer Essstörung ist und wenn dann macht mir das definitiv nichts aus
normalerweise esse ich 2-3 mal am Tag aber dafür halt sehr sehr viele Süßigkeiten aber das schon lange seit einer Woche schau ich mich in denn Spiegel an und bin absolut unzufrieden deswegen verzichte ich auf die Schokolade ich hab nicht mal lust darauf beim Anblick wird mir schon schlecht damals war das nie so und normal Mittag esse ich aber dann renn ich gleich aufs Klo und übergebe mich mit Hilfe meiner Finger und wenn ich draußen esse fühl ich mich sehr schlecht weil ich keinen Weg finde mich zu übergeben..
was denkt ist ist es nur eine Phase oder ein Anfang?…
This definitely sounds like the beginning of an eating disorder or it is already an eating disorder! These thoughts or the feeling that you’re disgusting or you’re disgusting is definitely psychic and it’s really important that you already trust someone you trust. I find it very strong and reflects that you think about it yourself and wrote here! This is the first step in the right direction!
I wish you all good <3
Yes, it is. Talk to your parents about it.
And no, you’re still in normal weight.
Hello XbtsArmyX👋
I think you know very well that such a behavior is not exactly healthy, but worrying.
There are healthier ways that are suitable for weight loss, but abandonment and vomiting are not to feel bad either, that does not strengthen your self-confidence, it only pulls you further down into a spiral from which you no longer get out so easily by yourself, so pull the emergency brake as long as you still know the difference between healthy and unhealthy.
Regular meals are important, a balanced diet, apply to a nutritional adviser, go to a clinic, the human being is too much capable of changes when you allow. There you can learn about balanced diet, actively apply it, gain insights on how to cope with difficult times, gain self-confidence and self-respect, that is important, you need to appreciate yourself and your body and do not disgust you from it, surely changes are nothing bad and will decrease in the long term will have a positive effect but you should start it in the right way and not health-damaging, you can only ren away from the rain to mourning again
Hey! I’m 18 and hot Jonas.
Somehow it doesn’t sound good. It sounds like a bulimia. But I’m not a doctor and I can’t say it to 100%. Maybe you can think about why it all started. Was it just the candy? Or did someone insult you on your appearance? If you find the origin, it will be easier to fight the problem.
If that doesn’t go so long, I’d highly recommend you go to the doctor or to a doctor. For now, your family doctor is enough.
If that’s not unpleasant, talk to your parents or siblings about it. It’s just important to do something before you get damaged by it. All good!!!
PS: Try chewing and swallowing a piece of ginger after a meal. It always helps me if I’m bad. It may also help you in the short term.