Andere Spray bei Asthma, nun Lunge Kaputt?

Ich hatte relativ wenig Asthma Anfälle und vor einer Woche hatte ich eins. Normalerweise nehme ich ein vorgeschriebenes Notfall Spray und gut ist. Da diese leer ist, nahm ich ein anderes, was für meinen Bruder verschrieben ist. Seit dem ich das nahm, bekomme ich mehrmals am Tag Asthma anfälle und muss dieses Medikament nehmen (Salbutamon), damit es weg geht. Soll ich am damit aufhören und mir mein verschriebenes Medikament besorgen? Liegt es wirklich an dem Medikament? Ich nehme Foster.

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9 months ago

Of course, it has its reason why you get a different drug than your brother. You never take any other medication like that, for that reason. Your brother could be too weak or too strong for you or not for your kind of asthma. Go to the pulmonary doctor and explain this with the medicines and why you’re so fucked up. Maybe it was too weak and now you’ve got something inflamed. Good improvement.

9 months ago
Reply to  Darknnight

Please go to the lung specialist tomorrow and let that go. As I said, it could be something inflammatory because your brother’s spray is too weak. This also explains your permanent seizures

9 months ago

Hello. You never take a medication in the form of tablets 💊 syringes 💉 or sprays from others.

Every person reacts something else and it is extremely dangerous to do this. 🤢

Now you probably have an incompatibility, and would advise you to go directly to the attending doctor and clarify the whole thing.

Please no longer inhale the spray. ❗️

LG Sky 🌈

9 months ago

Yes it can be on the wrong drug if it is another dosage or other composition

I got asthma myself and I got a new drug prescribed that felt nix. I talked to the doctor and she prescribed me another one.

9 months ago

You should never use medicines that were formulated to another patient.

Why didn’t you have your own medication re-recorded in time?

9 months ago

You should talk to your doctor. A drug prescribed by the doctor for another person should not be taken. Get the appropriate medicine prescribed by the doctor in time in the future.