Andere Möglichkeit für Finanzierung eine Immobilie?
Meine Bank macht Faxen und möchte 3 Lohnabrechnungen haben dabei habe ich mich erst neu selbstständig gemacht und kann erst nach 3 Jahren mit meinem Vater die Eigentumswohnung bekommen, die Bank macht es nicht sobald ich keine 3 lohnabrechnungen von November, Dezember und Januar habe, gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit wir stehen unter Druck und müssen schnell handeln !??? Wir wollen nicht 3 Jahre warten
If you don’t think of any other way that someone gives you so much money, it looks bad. Can try it with lottery.
You didn’t understand the question
You didn’t understand the answer!
There is no other way
Especially when you’re fresh in self-employment, it’s still very uncertain.
Around the 3 years waiting time you will not come around
Not at all..Only recently independent…with your future revenues are very uncertain. You should prove good success for 3 years and even then it becomes difficult for self-employed people.
If your real estate salesman’s comforted for a few years, he may not be in a hurry.
25,000 of them answer 8000 helpfully to your profile. Super that will be a joke at all not helpful where you want to know
Why? …is also a joke after only 3 months of self-employment to ask for a loan, gelle? Think about it before you ask a question.
If you want to wait but is a will and no compulsion then you can also wait three years.
Your question must be answered with no.
become official then you have safe income
That was not my question my best
that does not interest a bank. If you have no collateral (e.g. a high level of equity in the targeted acquisition), there is no credit.