Andauernd Lust auf Milch?
Was fehlt mir da an Vitamine/Nährstoffe? Bin Vegetarier, trinke aber nur die pflanzliche Milch und dennoch hab ich Heißhunger auf eine Kuhmilch. Sollte ich wieder eine normale trinken oder woran liegt das?
Was fehlt mir da an Vitamine/Nährstoffe? Bin Vegetarier, trinke aber nur die pflanzliche Milch und dennoch hab ich Heißhunger auf eine Kuhmilch. Sollte ich wieder eine normale trinken oder woran liegt das?
Wann esst ihr am liebsten.
Leute reden immer was von nachgemeschmack. Was soll das überhaupt sein ?
Ich habe eine große “Kotzangst” wenn man das so sagen kann. Weißt nicht ob das nur ich hab oder obs das wirklich gibt. Jedenfalls hab ich mir heute früh ein Müsli gemacht, mit viel Milch die ich anschließend trank. Ungefähr 2 stunden danach habe ich eine Dose Cola getrunken. Jetzt habe ich Angst, da ich…
Ja hallo, mich habe heute innerhalb von 2 Stunden 9 Tropical Exotic Gönrgy getrunken und bin Ultra wach und extrem hibbelig und fühle mich Ultra fröhlich war das zu viel ? Hatte davor noch 1 Corona Extra aber wirklich nur eines deswegen kann es nicht daran liegen betrunken fühle ich mich anders lg
Your constant desire for milk is certainly because the Muh milk is a very valuable food! 😎
In a glass of 🐮-milk there are a lot of healthy ingredients!
These include high-quality protein, slightly digestible fat, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as B vitamins, including important vitamin B 12, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and fluorine!😋,%2C%20phosphorr%2C%20Jod%20and%20Fluor.
LG 🤗
Oha, thank you for the cool ⭐! I am very happy! 😃
LG 🤗
Very happy, I only saw accidentally sorry 😅 LG back
Thank you
Maybe you’re missing calcium. Without taking milk products and nutritional supplements, it is difficult to achieve daily requirements when considering that many substances in plant food additionally hinder the absorption of calcium.
EDIT: Chia seeds contain oxalic acid and phytates. Both impede calcium absorption, which is why the bioavailability of calcium is low there.
A TL Chia seed already contains 5 times calcium like cow’s milk!!
You have to do it right…
You vegans dust it out of your ears.
When doing the head has the only task to protect the neck from rain.
Fortunately, the head is round – so that thinking can change its direction…;)
You have to do it right, that’s the nose on the ceiling.
Insane “Argument”
Then just drink cow’s milk. As a vegetarian, you can. It’s difficult with vegans.
You’re looking for strange breast milk?
Then drink – and enjoy – her!
That’s why you have to miss a long time…;)
Plant juice is not milk. Only cow’s milk is milk that also has the typical ingredients.
Water with beans or other herbal ingredients is only cold sweet soup without spices. It’s clear that your body is looking for real milk
“real” milk only needs infants – whether human or animal nature, and these exclusively species-specific!
Whatever. If you want to taste what you want. The one so the other so, militant vegan with their wisdom bite with me on granite (are stones overhauled vegan?!😜)
Your body doesn’t lie to you. So follow him!
Because cow’s milk is just much more rich.
the body likes if you usually give it as complete as possible dishes or food containing a wide range of good nutrients
Then your body shows you very clearly that you are lacking, so very harmful. Nourish yourself reasonable and good.
“Sirable” would be to accept that we are not calves!
If you have appetite for milk and there is no allergy, drink milk. The good-hearted Vegan God gives you the milk failure.