Anamnese Medizinstudent?
Ich muss bis zum Ende meines ersten Semesters zum Betriebsarzt der Uniklinik und da steht auf dem Anamneseblatt was ich mitbringen soll: Alkohol, Nikotin, Drogen.
Was ist denn wenn ich bei Nikotin und Alkohol ja ankreuze und die noch Reste von Drogen im Blut nachweisen?!
Well, if you’re supposed to bring alcohol, nicotine and drugs, you’ll have to buy in time.
If you want to fill out a questionnaire, you should fill out this truth. If you don’t, you’ll be out of your studies very quickly.
Always honest
If I read the question, I don’t think it’s always the case. Let’s call it lying in me, we call it optimised truth
Yes it is actually just horny as it rusts out back and bangs 😊 and how to activate/deactivate it is of course a secret for the Tüv.
The flap control is still not an emergency lie. It’s just a little illegal. But you will have a lot of fun with it and follow them
Not lies are of course allowed, see flap control 😀
Then you’re a liar if you don’t admit it.
Can this lead me to exmatrulation if I’m only nicotine positive? No?
I don’t think it’s forbidden to drink and smoke doctors.
I don’t know about illegal drugs.
Okay I think that with LSD and so I better move after check