Analoge Fotos auf Instagram posten?
Also, hört sich vielleicht jetzt bisschen blöd an 😅 aber ich will mir eine analoge Kamera kaufen und dann so 35mm Bilder machen, würde die auch gerne auf Insta posten aber wie bekommt man Fotos die mit einer analogen Kamera geschossen wurden, aufs Smartphone? lg
Photographing, developing images and taking photos.
Professionals work with slide film and let him scan professionally – ideally with a Drum scanner.
And why do you want to do that? It seems to me that you’re just about the result – fame on Instagram? – and not about the process. That’s not gonna happen.
Anyway, one would be the most obvious way, but of course you can also have the images digitized professionally, for example from the photo studio.
No? Because I find the style beautiful? But thanks
If you look forward to a topic – or only interested – you usually read and find out such things by the way…
… or just ask, and then get snucked off by funny boys!
Take a picture or scan.
There are special scanners for negatives or also attachments for normal scanners.
At the Iphone you can scan with the notes app
Too bad I am so far away, I would give you an analogue.Only to post on Instagram I did not buy an analogue.You are going to rueckwaets.Analog today is something for special professionals. LG gdus
For “special professionals” than should no other try and learn it
Natuerlich duere firstlike amateurs also analg photogrfieren.LG gadus