Anal, lusttropfen?

Hallo hatte mit meinem freund am 12.8 sex, meine periode ging vom 4.8 bis 9.8,ich tracke das alles in meiner zyclus app. Und laut dem zu folge bin ich ab heute fruchtbar,weil mein Eipsrung ca am 18 sein soll. Anal war er ohne kondom er ist nicht gekommen, und erst als wir aktiv mit kondom vaginal waren kam er. Meinen ihr das während dem Anal verkehr lusttropfen in die vagina kamen,also wisst ihr was ich meine? Im kondom war sperma drin, platztes kondom würde man merken lder?

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1 year ago

The pleasure drop is much too little to flow into the vagina. It’s just a tiny little bite that’s right in your ass. This can flow slightly into the vagina is really 100% and guaranteed to be excluded. If you really have sperm flowing out of the butt, this can happen under particularly unfavorable conditions. But that is much more. But you don’t have to worry about the lust. Nothing can have happened.

And as far as condoms are concerned, on the one hand it is extremely rare that it is broken. And if it bursts when you use it, you see it. It’s really cunning. There’s no tiny hole in it, but when it tears, it’s like a burst balloon. You can’t overlook that.

1 year ago

How exactly should a lust drop from your intestine come into the vagina? This is almost impossible

1 year ago
Reply to  jalvi

Not impossible with doggy

1 year ago

If lust drops in the Po, it would have to be gigantic so far down and then also walk inside

1 year ago

The likelihood that a lust drop came into the vagina during anal traffic, and you have been suspended by it, but is extremely low. And yes, you would definitely have noticed a burst condom. So I wouldn’t worry.

1 year ago

Anal without condom is a bad idea. Probably nothing happened. You don’t even prevent it?

1 year ago

You have to know