An wen kann ich mich wenden, wenn meine Eltern mich behindern?

Ich habe autismus und dadurch ein paar Probleme. Ich habe auch ein bisschen Probleme mit der Blase. Ich merke nicht immer, wenn ich auf die Toilette muss. Normalerweise gehe ich in der Schule immer in den Pausen. Am Wochenende habe ich auch Rituale wo ich auf die Toilette gehe. Aktuell kann ich nicht zur Schule. Ich kann aber auch nicht die Rituale vom Wochenende übernehmen. Meine Mutter erinnert mich auch nicht daran (wir hatten in den Ferien deshalb einen Streit).

Sie hat mir heute Windeln mit gebracht und will das ich die anziehe.

Ich finde das richtig schlimm! Ich brauche keine Windeln. Außerdem bekommt meine Mutter Geld dafür, dass sie mich erinnert. An wen muss ich mich wenden? Ist das Jugendamt zuständig oder jemand anderes wegen der Behandlung/ des Pflegegrads?

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1 year ago

Surely you were a little overwhelmed when your mother suddenly stood up with diapers.

But think that she does not mean it evil, but wants to relieve the situation.

Especially if you are in a special situation at the moment (no school) you lose the routine and it can happen in children and adolescents that it will be with the dry then no longer works.

Since parents still want the phase to be mastered well, it is understandable that they will then include an aid to Windel. A wet trousers or even a wet bed you don’t want.Trotz diaper is the possibility to go to the toilet if you notice it in time. The diaper then serves more for safety.

1 year ago

Hello Nosetnn,

I can’t go to school right now. I can’t take the rituals from the weekend.

Why not? Whether weekday or weekend should be no matter.

Would you care to remember me? This is YOUR job to get you from the nursing fund.

No she gets money for the extra effort and possible financial failures and care. She doesn’t get money that you can turn everything on her.

She brought me diapers today, and I want them dressed.

Autism or not, even as an autist who is in the keywords, you can also think of others and try to overcome your weaknesses. Your mother can’t be 24/7 on your side, but she can try to teach you how you’re doing alone. If you are not willing to extend the Sa, So Ritual to the holiday days and so make you in your pants, you must live with it that your mother will resort to diapers to avoid damage. Go regularly to the toilet, whether with the help of the smartphone, smartwatch or whatever and the problem is solved.

MfG PlueschTiger

1 year ago
Reply to  Nosetnn

Because the weekend is not the same as the weekdays.

It is the same, only that the name of the day is different. If you don’t have any other obligations on holiday, as with weekends, free and is almost the same.

And this also includes the memory.

Can belong to this, but your mother has more to do than that. What do you want her to do when she’s shopping? You can’t expect your mother to read, write and use a phone and go to school 24/7 mothered. You can’t always rely on your mother, at some point she’s not there, then you can’t say she’s in charge. Just learn to rely on others.

I’m not going into the rest of the answer. I don’t know why people answer questions, even though they have no idea about the core of the question.

I have quoted what I answered and even quoted from a comment, but please what is the core? It’s not our job to write to you what you want to read, but what you want to know.

1 year ago

Because of the degree of care, the nursing fund is responsible. There must be an employee who advised you to determine the degree of care. The best way to contact them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nosetnn

The medical service of the health insurance companies was probably responsible for the assessment.

1 year ago

No one can tell you that precisely because more information is needed, but ultimately because it can be complex. If you want, you can ask the Health Office if they have a social psychiatric service.

Since you’re the keywords for Autist, that would be more appropriate. At the Social Psychiatric Service you could then make an appointment explaining the thing and then ask for advice. They are a kind of state social worker, but sometimes help with requests, give advice, where you can regularly talk about appointment 1 hour. But don’t make everyone like that, you have to know what they do with yours. In any case, they should be able to judge who is responsible for what you want and that would be neutral, so there would be no danger to the other authorities who are involved, what do you know, it is what you want, and they think it is appropriate.

1 year ago

Honestly I find what your mother does

1 year ago

Can’t you just put an alarm?

You need to learn to develop solutions that are independent of other people.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nosetnn

Why not?