On which holidays did you receive larger gifts as a child?


  • Birthday
  • Name day
  • Baptism day
  • Brit Mila
  • Report card day
  • St. Nicholas
  • Christmas
  • Easter
  • Yom Kippur
  • Eid/Bayram


  • School enrollment
  • Baptism
  • First Communion
  • confirmation
  • Confirmation
  • first rule (becoming a woman)
  • Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah
  • School leaving certificate

My parents were Protestant, so we only received presents at Christmas and birthdays, and once at confirmation. On St. Nicholas Day and Easter, we got a few sweets. And that was it.

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1 year ago

Christmas and birthday there were about always equal gifts. Christmas is, of course, much bigger from the whole festival.

On other occasions there were only candy, at Easter there was a hare nest with chocolate bunny and chocolates. To Nikolaus then a colorful plate, after the Advent calendar. This makes you really right in the Christmas season!

Otherwise there was at most sometimes a smaller gift like a pocketbook extra to Nikolaus or Easter. That was very nice, because you had something to read and didn’t have to wait.

1 year ago

Greater gifts were available at Christmas and birthday. At Easter there were cooked eggs, chocolate bunnies and smaller things with few exceptions – in one year my brother and I both got a bicycle at Easter.

The same applies to Nikolaus: there was a boot full of fruit, nuts and a bit of chocolate and also a little bit, e.g. warm socks.

There was also a school bag for training. I don’t know what was in there anymore. I think, mainly nausea and school materials.

There was also a bigger gift for the confirmation.

However, if I needed something, I’ve always got it, even if there’s no bigger party right now.

1 year ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

If I don’t know, it can be that we got a farewell gift from the kindergarten.

In the school bag of my parents was certainly not a toothpaste in it;-) I remember the school bag was so hard that I had trouble wearing it.

1 year ago

You get your gifts for the day of the day. I don’t think it’s Easter, it’s something completely different.

There was something about my birthday and Christmas. To my testimony there was never something (maybe a set of hot ears) except it was the Abi itself. There was also almost nothing (although also), to communion.

1 year ago

It is probably about getting out of which user had not grown up in a Christian tradition on GF.

I was once told that there used to be Catholics the name day when there were gifts instead of the birthday.

In part of my relationship, there are most gifts to Chanukka in order not to prejudice the children to Christian children. Jews give to Chanukka, to Purim and to Pessach and not to Jom Kippur! (Type semi-knowledge?)

Others in my relationship celebrate Christmas only on the 7th. January because the Orthodox are.

With me it was more on December 24th. At my American relationship on December 25th. Probably there were more gifts for Christmas than for the birthday.

As my cousin holds with her Muslim man, I don’t know. (He comes from Bosnia-Herzegovina).

Our family is quite multiculti.

1 year ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

Wasn’t meant bad either.

שָׁ coloring

(According to Jewish tradition, I am not a Jew)

1 year ago

Christmas and Birthday Gifts

and sometimes a little thing for the name day.

Easter and Nikolaus only sweets

to the First Communion there were gifts

For firming less

to the Abitur there was the driving licence

Sure, there was a school bag too, but as far as I know, little things were in for school and some sweetness.

1 year ago

Every year a lot:

  • Birthday
  • Christmas

Every year little:

  • Easter
  • St. Nicholas


  • Confermation
  • Final examination Teachers and further education
1 year ago

Christmas, birthday, juvenile. Besides, I was paid the license.

There was never something big about graduations, testimonials, for training etc. and I don’t think this is common, at least it wasn’t in my youth.

I have often been financially supported for this, and I have kept my back free. Besides, my mother and I were in many great holidays.

1 year ago

Birthday and Christmas, Nikolaus then fruit, nuts, Schoki in the boots (I loved). Easter egg hunt and Easter bunny.

Why “only” Christmas and birthday? These are the usual feasts for something bigger.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pausenraum

The questioner probably wanted to be a maximum.

1 year ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

Oh, that’s how we got nothing big for confirmation. I don’t know if and what I got from my parents anymore.I think of my grandma there was a book. My brother’s still mad today because his classmates got money. But when that was discussed in advance (we were confirmed together….I was earlier, because of interest), he said nothing about it. My parents thought you wouldn’t be confirmed for the money or for gifts. I found it right and still have no problems with it. But I didn’t have a comparison because I was the only one in the class that was confirmed that year. But I thought it was great that you got a free day at school.

1 year ago
Reply to  anonymos987654

I guess that’s an age question. I work in a primary school, and when I listen to what some children have got to Nikolaus, I wonder what they get for Christmas?

I find it a pity that Easter and Nikolaus are becoming more and more gift days.

Consumption has risen so that joy becomes less. The kids have so much.

Looks like a good question. Recently, the questions of childhood and ternagers have increased, which they might wish for Christmas.

I didn’t need any advice before.

But I left a year in my answer. There I got a bigger gift without occasion: my grandma, who preferred my older brother, very for the failure of my parents, gave him a new horse for his birthday (we had some). And because I had a birthday in the month after him and didn’t get a pony, my parents then bought me one more.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I loved this as a child at the said grandma (she preferred my brother, but still was great): when I was small, I was allowed to make a list for the Christ Child. I got such a catalog from the mailing house, where many toys were in it and were allowed to cut out what I wish and stick to the list, or when I could write up and glue.

I honestly don’t know if I did this once or more, but it’s such a happy childhood memory that’s stuck.

I don’t even know if there ever was anything from the list (something in the way….Puppen and plush animals) 😄, but sometimes there are the little things on the way that are the most beautiful memories.

1 year ago

On the birthday, Christmas, Santa Claus, Easter, New Year’s Eve, testimony, for good grades (1 or 2),if I made a doctor’s visit without fighting me.

Once at school, Communion, School degree

1 year ago

On my birthday, sometimes there was something for Christmas. And if there are testimonials, I get more trouble.

1 year ago

Only on Christmas and of course on birthday.

1 year ago

Always on birthday or Christmas.

4 months ago

I’ve always got something on my birthday and Christmas and an Easter nest

1 year ago

Always Christmas 👍😜

1 year ago
