An Weihnachten zur Familie von meinem Freund oder Eltern?
ich muss mich wirklich entscheiden, wo ich an Weihnachten hinfahre.
Mein Freund feiert bei seiner Familie. Ich selbst bin unschlüssig, beide Parteien sagen, dass ich es selbst entscheiden soll, es fällt mir jedoch sehr schwer.
Mein kleiner Bruder glaubt noch an den Weihnachtsmann, in dem Alter ist jedes Weihnachten noch ganz besonders und er würde sich sicher sehr freuen wenn ich da wäre, genauso wie meine Eltern. Sie sind ohne mich nur zu dritt an Heiligabend. Zudem kommt hinzu, dass mein Vater die letzten Monate krank war – er ist auf dem Weg der Besserung, trotzdem fühle mich als würde ich sie im Stich lassen, wenn ich nicht hinfahre. Andererseits meinte meine Mutter, dass ich auch zu der Familie von meinem Freund fahren kann, wenn ich nächstes Jahr wieder zu ihnen komme.
Mein Freund möchte natürlich dass ich mit zu ihm komme, er würde es aber auch verkraften wenn ich nicht bei ihm bin. Rein organisatorisch wäre es praktischer an Heiligabend bei seiner Familie zu sein, da ich diese sonst wahrscheinlich gar nicht oder wenig sehen werde. Außerdem wird bei einem Familienmitglied von ihm gefeiert, dass ich sehr gerne mag, aber selten sehe, da wir etwas entfernter wohnen.
Hat jemand einen Tipp wie ich mich noch heute entscheiden kann? Danke im Voraus! 🙂
Your friend is selfish when he expects you to spend Christmas with his parents. He could also spend Christmas with your parents. Why isn’t that a debate for him?
I want him to celebrate with his parents and you with your parents. I think you’re more “managed” to your own parents than your friend and his parents, especially since you have a little brother and your father was sick.
I wouldn’t have thought about it in your place, but from the start, I’d say you’re going to celebrate Christmas with your parents.
Your friend would accept that. Or where do you read that he forces her?
No, he doesn’t force her. I didn’t say that either.
At the beginning I was still talking about being with my friend at lunch/early afternoon with my family and at night with my parents, which unfortunately does not work because of the distance, therefore the consideration. I chose my parents now. :
A very good decision!
Drive to your family, your brother and your parents will be very happy. Maybe you can go to your friend on the second holiday.
Unfortunately, his family only celebrates this year on 24/25. really, maybe there’s something to be set up on the 26th anyway. On the 24th, I’m with my parents.
Everyone could spend the Christmas Eve with siblings, etc. with his own family.
On the 1st or 2nd Christmas holiday you will visit the others to drink with them coffee etc.
However, if this is in stress because it e.g. a long or cumbersome ride would certainly have every understanding that you do not meet on these special days but between the holidays.
You can also make your own little celebration as a couple. Alone to two totally romantic or a fun party with friends .
Can you split the holidays? We are Christmas Eve at Schwiegereltern and drive home the first holiday. The 2nd holiday we are with my family.
Son and daughter-in-law are this year for coffee with their parents and then for the evening with us…. last year it was reversed.
But I wouldn’t be angry if they wouldn’t come on Christmas Eve, I know this stressful thing….
Either everyone celebrates with his parents, or you do it like my children… but put under pressure (let) is not at all.
So for me, Christmas is a family celebration, and is also spent with my family…
That’s clear. It’s your family and if you understand well with them, then spend Christmas with them. The family is eternal, your friend may not.
Hello go to your parents as long as you still have them, next year it can be too late
Yeah, that’s my opinion too.
I left for example and flew to Spain. So none of my children can be insulted because I don’t come.
For me, my own family is first and foremost because of your brother.
My older brother was never there on such special day. Now I got older myself and it hurts.
Yes, also one of the main reasons why I chose my parents. :
Very good decision.
Happy feast days, you and your family 🙂
I’d be in such a case always prefer my own family to be honest. No question.
Write a Pro/Contra list and then decide…
Merry feast
as you write, I think I’m celebrating at home.
And another thing: your friend could also celebrate at EUCH.
If you want to go a lot. For example, you’ll be with your friend on the 25th or 26th.
Of course the own family , what is that for a question