(An Trans* Personen) wie geht ihr nun mit Harry Potter um?
Hallo, also ich bin Trans* und ich liebe Harry Potter eigentlich und was das Schreiben angeht war J.K. Rowling eigentlich mein Idol. Ich bin mit Hogwarts aufgewachsen. Ich liebe es einfach. Doch nun, da die Autorin Transfeindliches Postet, bzw. gepostet hat…. weiß ich nicht, hab aufgehört ihre Posts zu lesen. Unterstütze ich J.K Rowling nicht mehr, aber ich will das Universum, dass sie geschaffen hat, nicht aufgeben…. nun möchte ich gerne wissen, wie ihr damit umgeht, um mir ein paar Meinungen anzuhören. Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Yes, many people from the community and outside have trouble.
I personally find that the Harry Potter universe has been much more than just the books/films. I distance myself from Rowling and go more to the fan community.
It is also recommended to buy fanmade merchandise instead of the official.
To be honest, Harry Potter was not mine from the beginning. I’d rather have watched the coldmirror synchros than the films and read I didn’t like to.
But to be honest, I’d probably stay a fan of Harry Potter if I were to testify to JK’s. She is also considered negative by all the actors and was not allowed to participate in the anniversary of Doku. I would have a problem with giving her indirectly money, but who says that I must be a fan?
The same situation happened with Minecraft. I like the game very much, but Notch (the creator) is still open transphobic and quite right. But the team has distanced himself from him and he is no longer involved in any way.
If one thing is done by a single person, I would certainly have a bigger problem. I couldn’t see a transphobic youtuber or something. With something that has such a big team behind it, which offenses the transphobic opinion of the creator, I have no problem with that I think.
Never had a reference to it and never interested me, even before the scandal around the Rowling.
It’s getting hard at that point, right? It is easy for many to dismiss the works of an Attila Hildmann or Xavier Naidoos, but when it comes to something that people love, like Harry Potter, shows who is serious.
Finally, you need to know it yourself. It is possible to look at works and inventors separately from each other. You can still be a potterhead. That’s not consistent.
As far as I am concerned, I must admit that I personally do not find Rowling’s statements so dramatically bad. But I’m neither trans nor a fan of Wizarding World, so I can’t make a final judgment…
I don’t know any other artists I hear or read about, shy etc., who somehow have a view or do anything I don’t think is right…. it’s just she’s falling under…
I’m sorry. Can’t even tell how many times I’ve done this… For example: Only recently did I read what R. Kelly broke – can I never hear “I believe I can fly” again?
There is freedom of expression in all Western democracies and celebrities are also guaranteed. But more and more people want to circumcise them in an inadmissible way, this is going gradually today. If someone does not feel it as normal, that men suddenly think for women, pretend to be such, and live like that, you can say that, because it does not reflect the way of life of the mass, and it will of course never. How little of course this is, you can see at the boxing of Olympia 2024. Men are now legally allowed to beat women. Is that the future? Imane Khelif is a man who recognizes himself a blind person, also there are video references from the moving “hanges”. The example is already correct, because abuse also takes place with it. Then one should introduce the category “Transboxen”, then it would be correct and there would be no more reason for excitement, at least in this question.
J.K. Rowling or Elon Musk today are brave people who still speak openly, but the shitstorm is pre-programmed, but that doesn’t scratch them, which is also good, and on the other hand they have the luck that can hurt them no more, they could raise their legs and enjoy retirement if they just wanted. Michael Wendler could not do this yet, the problems are well known.
It cannot be that the mass is suddenly artificially made to a minority, because it expresses itself freely to these things, that is to say people are set up for their views. Thus, no acceptance for other life models (I call them cautiously) is created if one wants to force them in society, it is gradually the same with the gender language, but the majority does not accept rape our cultural language.
If everyone wants to live as he wants and it would have to stay right here, that’s just private. Unfortunately, it is so in many areas today. Are we supposed to dazzle movies like “Vom Winds”? Or Winnetou for the word “Indians”? It is time-historical documents that can also be seen as well. Today, it is certain that other Westerns will be able to reflect the reality of the language of the then wild West, be put there, Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp and Billy the Kid & Co did not consider how to speak in the future. We live in times when one can change his gender in the personal health once a year, who finds it normal has long been lost. People like J.K. Rowling still give hope that didn’t all get crazy.
Regardless of these questions, works and artists are now really to be separated. Or also people and their works or inventions. If we were to start this, we could close the store completely. I’ll save us the catalogue of countless games, then the censorship would immediately strike, but everyone knows it is. Rowling, and I’m not a potter fan, sometimes viewed as movies and good, has their opinions and they should have them. I also have to bear what will happen to me immediately, know all the arguments in advance, and that is the case in a democracy.
If we use all Windows and Bill Gates is now n hitlerfan, we will not stop using Windows as the product has relatively little to do with it.
Harry Potter as a work is great only because the author is now transparient, the Harry Potter does not have to be correspondingly distanced from the author but not from the works
I can’t separate artists from their work either. The inconsistency easy to enjoy is gone.
I like J.K. Rowling not she is a terf
Don’t let yourself take the fun of the potter universe. Take it, she has her opinion you have yours.
When for me servus Snape Trans and Jimmy and Hermine and Luna were once three. A few
Severus Snap
She’s never done any transfeit posts.