An Männer: Dünne oder dicke Frauen (mit Begründung)?
Was präferiert ihr mehr?
Fülligere oder dünne (gesunde) Frauen?
Es gibt ein Gerücht, dass viele Männer übergewichtige Frauen mögen, obwohl es evolutionstechnisch keinen Sinn ergibt. Denn eine gesunde Frau kann länger leben und bringt eher gesunde Nachkommen.
Our present-day beauty ideal is clearly thin.
Furthermore, it also means that the person has more self-control and knows how to eat healthy.
In contrast, there are frequent prejudices to fat people.
Thank you for your objective opinion.
You have prejudices.
Right! It’s like all the people without exception.
Or do you want to tell me that when you see jmd standing in a decent suit in front of you, you have the same opinion of this person as of the person standing in front of you with a dirty hoodie and jogging pants?
The first perception is now influenced by the appearance. Prejudice do not have to be noticed, of course, but they are here.
I don’t care about the body, apart from the extremes. However, I have a certain preference for women who are slightly above the normal weight and, above all, like very thin (but very thick) women rather not. In the end, however, character and mutual sympathy count more than the exterior.
Oh, thank you.
Over the decades, I noticed that the definitions are constantly changing. What was slightly above normal weight in the 1990s and thus “goes still” is today ultra fat.
Basically, beauty ideals are always changing, depending on the framework conditions and society. It’s okay and normal.
I find it bad that today, above all, unrealistic, unhealthy and partly dangerous “ideals” are propagated. To a large extent, too, because in the (social) media, many images that are unrealistic with Photoshop are curating, which are also unobstructed by minors who are easily influential.
Yeah, I’m not just in the company, but also in the doctors. That’s what happened in the 1980s. It was a bit looser in the ’90s. Those who were considered very slim at the time are considered normal today. With the (doubtful) BMI calculation, it became more liberal. It’s brutal again today. There is no difference whether someone has a bit too much or much too much on the ribs. In the past, one was praised when one had decreased, even without coming to normal weight. I can never get to normal weight, limit damage. This is frustrating and gives me the feeling that I can let it be. Be treated like dirt anyway. A friend of mine confirmed that everything is okay with me. Much sport, good values, overweight within the frame. But officially he can’t say that.
Yeah, that’s right. However, whether it is actually the official definitions or only the subjective assessment of some, is sometimes there. In any case, today a lot more likely is being criticized for his weight, whether too much or too little, openly.
I also noticed the change in the definitions. As I wrote here… I still use the name overweight, will be corrected immediately that I am adipous. It used to be a difference. What was not really fat in the past is supposed to be life-threatening and ill today.
I have read that men who take little calories and are under severe stress would choose thicker women.
Thank you for your opinion!
It looks even more beautiful and then she has female curves
A ball has little to do with female curves.
A woman with curves is not thin and certainly does not match your ideal.
Neither. Normal figure. Not thin, nor thick.
Lg Dehow
I personally like thicker women more. Opticly I like curves better, it looks healthier, the experience when touching is quite different. Much softer and more confidential.
Curves were just the speech here. I’m talking about overweight, so obesity. Is that still attractive, so 150 kg despair?
Yes, of course, who has curves can not be thin
Oh, yes, today are obesity and obesity. It starts well below 150 kg.
You didn’t write that. Yes, of course, it depends on the distribution. It depends on whether the woman feels comfortable, which then works quite differently.
Why 150kg despair?
Sounds almost as if a teddy bear was more suitable, as even more fluffy.
No, that’s different. It’s not just about cuddling in life.
That’s right. 150kg is more rare
I think both have something
I’d rather say the one has more than the other.
I would have liked to explain. Your attempt to shine with subject-related terminology encourages me to ask you “scientific” facts.
DEINE definition of “thin” / “thick”.
I’m excited.
Here I differentiate between overweight and normal weight. Doesn’t the above description suffice, or do you not want to deal with facts?
Evolution alone as a guarantee to use to diffuse women with more weight shows which direction it should go.
I have daily patients sitting in front of me who suffer psychologically and physically because of such nonsense.
For this, obesity increases the risk of getting sick. So, as a reason why overweight what should be great is more than questionable.
Studies have been able to refute this. In severe diseases, studies have shown that people with more body weight have better chances of survival. We have collected data from intensive care stations worldwide.
The worst chances of survival were underweight.
Fascinating, yes.
Wow. Your traiber’s got a bad idea of biomechanics.
Exciting that the same processes in your body that lead to weight increase at once adjust their service during decrease. I think you should talk to physicists because it seems that you are capable of creating mass and erergy from nothing.
And keeping this permanently is difficult.
Hahaha, that would be nice. My calorie requirement is 1200 per day. Sport brings something extra, but unfortunately not as much as it stands on the display. That is, the trainers explain, the reconciliation effect, the body works away efficiently. You want to tell me I’m eaten, I know. I had an eating disorder with 18, because I wanted to be slender, I still didn’t get slender. I know exactly how much I eat. It becomes more and more difficult with age. I’m trying desperately to get rid of the 5 kg I’ve taken a few weeks ago with stess and disease. It used to be easier. If this is down again, the BMI is somewhere between 25 and 26, so I have to live. And I won’t let you tell me I’m obese, eaten, lazy, sick, etc. And that cuts my life by years.
The average daily requirement of women in the middle of 50 is around 1800 kcal. This is the sport. One hour consumes about 250-500 kcal depending on the intensity. So you’re around 2000 kcal. Or do you seriously want to claim your basic turnover is over 60% lower than the average?
Sorry, but you don’t even believe that. I guarantee you if you would look at your diet, you would be very fast at over 2000 kcal.
The “bad genes” are therefore on the plate.
You contradict yourself. You should decide if I’m overweight (I think that’s true) or obese (I thought we’d have cleared that with the definition) or normal weight not because I’m leaner, but because I’m older. I’ve never heard of it before. Seems illogical. The doctor didn’t tell me risks, he’s more like you. That was an instruction from above and when I wanted to say something, he threw me out. Today we know he lied.
And that’s true with the 800 kcal. When you’re busy with matter, you can calculate: very bad genes, low body size, female, mid-50. Coming to a BMI below 25 is almost impossible Then the eating disorder begins.
Whatever’s been. 🤦
Immediately after treating your eating disorder.
Doctors have put an oath to prevent suffering. A doctor does not violate the risks of obesity.
You don’t need it. No one has to starve to take off, a slight reduction in the recording is already enough. But you can’t or you don’t want to understand.
Unfortunately, I can’t insert links here. There are older and a newer article in the mirror, you can google. Some scientists think that this overweight reduces the risk of mortality. Oh, yeah, and then I found another page, with other definition of overweight that I like. People at my age may have a higher BMI. Well, you can always choose what suits you. I’m not taking it seriously. Neither this nor your horror scenarios. And now I’m not going to spoil the weekend, and you should turn to a psychiatrist with your wow, you’re not normal. It is madness to visit someone with BMI > 25 of the addiction and to compare it with an alcoholic. You’re just fun to humiliate others. And to agree with a doctor who gives fear to a godfather that she no longer trusts the doctor, is brain-cracked. And you can try to live a normal life with 800 kcal a day. Well, I’d rather have a few more kilos.
Oh? What scientist does that say? No doctor will prove that overweight is not a risk factor.
I just gogled. There are enough – oh so scientific – studies that come to the conclusion that overweight does not mean increased Ridiko. As always, scientists do not agree and you only believe what you want to discredit obesity
Don’t try any basis. You said all that about me. Without any wide information except that I am overweight.
Tell me that even after days you didn’t understand a single syllable I’m saying without saying.
But hey, listen to what if you just assert things that can spare any basis
I wonder if there is any difference in your head between BMI 25,1 and BMI 50, as all are flat-rate obese, cowardly and lazy and have an enormous health risk.
I did, which is why I can say that what you’re saying is nonsense. Is it easier for some to lose weight than for others? Is it impossible for others? No. But you don’t need to believe me, just ask your doctor or an x-loving sports physician or nutritionist
You have personal trainers and still don’t make it healthy? Sorry, I’ll take everything back. It’s not for you, it’s because your coach has absolutely no idea of his job.
Again, you can believe in the church. Science demonstrates that overweight and above all too high a KFA increases the risk of illnesses. You can believe that or not, but do not change the facts.
She speaks and still risks dying significantly earlier. My humor.
I forgot to drive sports and to feed on healthy ends a social life completely natural. Funny that millions of people can agree with each other. Only you’re strangely not, probably because of genetics.
There. I have now been wasting much more than enough of my time with someone who does not even understand the basics of their own metabolism and thinks Elfen are due to their overweight and not themselves.
But, hey, pushing others into the shoes is, of course, always more convenient than reflecting on themselves.
But obese have no right in your eyes to social life, they are just the last thing.
Then you should deal with other scientific topics such as body building, metabolism, etc. I already said somewhere is the border. I’ll discuss my diet plan with my personal trainer, not with you. And you really think that someone who eats normally halfway healthy and regularly moves, and a BMI of 26 has a higher risk for diseases than someone who has a BMI of 21 thanks to a good metabolism, hardly moves, unhealthy nourishes, smokes etc… you don’t believe yourself. It’s just in your sick head. You’re getting into a cock. And as I said, I want to live a little more.
What doesn’t matter if you’re twice shoving it in. I can guarantee you if you would look at your diet for a day that you are clearly above your needs.
Again for the very slow ones among you: the laws of our biology and physics make an exception for NIEMANDEN. There are no magical diseases that create nothing.
You’re wrong. I don’t have the slightest hatred of obese staying from me as you are, do not dare me, but listen to you and above all those who want to say that it is not possible anyway.
…get it.
Oh, yeah, it’s interesting, first you suggest I don’t crumble. If I can make you realize that I do 1 – 2 hours of sport every day (more than most normal weighty) you come with the shy argument of the high-performance athletes. You’re so fucked up in your womb and hate for obesity, dad.s is just sick. What have we done to you? Do you have a childhood trauma? Sorry, but you’re totally disturbed.
No, it’s not absurd, the woman was new and untrained, because the lower body weight does not help. This is completely normal, it can change as well as overweight due to regular training. How many people in the world are there to participate in Olympia? I think that is absolutely not a standard for ordinary citizens. In addition, it is reversed in high-performance sports. People are only encouraged when they bring the physical facilities and talent for a sport from the outset. I’m not saying that normal weight is not desirable, I’ve been striving for decades without success, but I’m fighting against the accusation of laziness, instinct, lack of movement, etc. But that’s not going into your brain because you feel better. For you, everyone is with BMI >= 25 ulteafett, lazy, eaten and not worth being respected.
He’s doing sports. This is equivalent to sporting.
Ahja. again the absurd argument because there are individual slim people who are not fit is a normal body weight not desirable. Let’s wait for the obese Olympics.
I go to the gym every day, there are many obesity and obesity that are good at it. And not just running is sports. Who trains at high intensity on the elliptical cross trainer, bicycle, rowing machine, etc. and also makes strength training is quite sporty. And, of course, Cardio not only ten minutes. And if someone often goes swimming, so swimming, does not sprinkle in the water or makes water gymnastics with professional accompaniment, that is quite sport. Recently, a young woman was in the gym, quite slender figure but still untrained, she barely managed 10 minutes elliptical cross trainer and didn’t understand how we could hold this for an hour at much higher intensity. Just not a question of weight, but of training.
There is no definition question because ds is medically defined. But you can also extend it to the area just below obesity.
Well, if you think that would be sportsmen, please.
Whether you want to see it or not. Obesity and sport is something that excludes itself. But you can like to show someone with BMI > 30 the 10km + running, bouldering, in a league team playing football or handball etc.
Once a week, you don’t make you an athlete.
What’s wrong with you? Now we have the definition question again. What is obese? According to my info there is a span between normal weight and obesity. I’m not a sporting sportsman, but I’m very happy to know obese and obese recreational athletes. To keep my weight reasonably, I have to go to sports every day. In your brain there are only extremes: normal weight and sporty versus obese and eating. Most of them are somewhere in between.
Right, but if the need is extremely low, it becomes difficult.
Because it’s a biological impossibility, that’s why. How many obese athletes do you know? Name me a single sportsman who has an increased BMI due to fat tissue
More lies. But that’s nothing new with you.
Whatever I’ve never said. The scientific fact, however, is that one cannot increase without excess of food. Whether this is 100 kcal or 2000 kcal over it does not matter in the long term.
Oh yes, so to your info: not everyone with BMI > 25 is eaten.
First of all, you wouldn’t accept a partner with overweight, and if she became overweight during the partnership, you would make her life a hell. Your hatred would drive us your aversion either from the house or into the suicide.
How do you know I’m unhealthy and that I’m not doing sports? Oh, that’s because you’re covering it up again as a lie.
Wrong. I think it’s a stupid excuse to say that you wouldn’t have time for sports or healthy eating a week because of a meal. Because, please correct me if I’m wrong, the last time I saw on the calendar, a week has six more days.
Do I say exactly where? Maybe you should start living in reality and don’t think of any new nonsense that anyone has never claimed.
What’s worse? To leave his partner in faith everything is to help tutti Frutti or his partner live a long, healthy and largely painless life?
In addition, where do I say I would not love my partner with obesity anymore? Again something that comes from your flowering imagination. I would always help her because I love her. And love also means to point out the other aif destructive behavior. But if you’d rather watch your husband ruin his life with alcohol, drugs or eating, please.
Again wrong, it concerns only those like you who claim it is impossible for them because the laws of nature have no effect on them.
And in general: about 50% of Germans are overweight. Where do you take the conviction that 50% of the population are lazy and without exception liar.
Oh, yes, and fortunately not all men are so nasty. I have a very great man who loves me despite my overweight. And you should go to Thetapie to work up your involuntary hatred for obese. But it’s fun to humiliate others and treat you like Sch… because you feel better. You’re not better just because you’re slender.
I had written that I was overweight, then came in response, I don’t know if I was adipous of you or the FS. Then I wrote in brackets overweight, now called adipös. And that would have changed the definition again.
And if my doctor finds something at the next check up, I won’t let you tell me that this comes from the overweight, because normal weighty have heart problems, high blood pressure diabetis etc. The prognosis of my doctor that I get problems in a few years was also a nasty lie, I was totally done at that time.
And your views are just humane. For example, when I mentioned that my husband would like to have dinner with me once a week. This is actually a legitimate wish. You think that’s a stupid excuse. In your eyes, we are second-class thick people, and it is correct to treat us like the last dirt. I wish you were treated like that for whatever reason.
I never claimed. That you think that comes from your blooming imagination.
I’m gonna make you stupid.
Oh, now you make a difference between obesity and obesity. I understood today that BMI 25 is adipous. Thus, not every overweight is adipous, that is to say after this defimition. Why should Pwrsonen be with a BMI of 28 – 30 creatures, they are under 30. And leave your superb way.
53% of the German population are overweight. 19% are adipous. 40 % of the overweight have a BMI > 30. A number of athletes can be removed from the remaining 60%, although they do not have a high BMI. Then there may be 50% more. And you mean they’re all just over 25 and people with a BMI of 28 -30 are creatures?
You also have 2 x 3 = 4 or?