An etwas am Intimbereich gestoßen, bin ich unfruchtbar?
Mein Wunsch war es schon immer meine eigene Kinder zu zeugen, aber meine Schwester ist jetzt ungefähr 2 mal gegen mein Intimbereich gestoßen und zwar ziemlich mittig aber es tat nur auf dem Moment weh, mehr nicht. Kann man so unfruchtbar werden?
Have so often got something down there(footballs, lows etc.) have 2 children now. This will happen to you many times, and as long as nothing is swollen or is in the wrong place, it is very unlikely that you will become infertile.
Thank you
As long as there is no severe injury
If an intimate impact would lead to infertility, mammals would probably have died long ago.
As long as your intimate area does not hurt for days, everything should be in the green area.
Should not become a regular activity.
No. She’d have to miss you a really strong kick.