An einen Schwimmkurs mit 25 Teilnehmen?

Hallo zusammen! Mit 25 Jahren möchte ich schwimmen lernen, obwohl ich bisher aus Angst vor Wasser gezögert habe. Nächstes Jahr möchte ich diese Angst überwinden und mich ins Schwimmabenteuer stürzen.

Was haltet ihr davon? Ist es ungewöhnlich, erst in diesem Alter schwimmen zu lernen?

Habt ihr Tipps, wie ich den Lernprozess beschleunigen kann?

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1 year ago

That’s great!

Yeah, the sooner someone can swim, the better, but trusting with 25 is great!

Do it! You’re sad. The water is a great element! Your idea is super!!!

Do you have any tips on how to speed up the learning process?

I’m not a swim instructor. Important is really serious to try to feel comfortable in the element and fear-free, everything else comes from itself and through the course. The more comfortable you feel in the water, the more supple you will move, the more easily you can move under water (the rich breaths all couple of swimsuits if you are stalled and practiced and that you will notice automatically at some point).

1 year ago
Reply to  guitschee

This is also a great answer from you! 🙂 Thank you.

1 year ago

Hello a good idea, there are courses for adults, an aunt still has with approx. 60-70 years made a swimming course and then went swimming regularly

1 year ago

That’s a good idea! With 25 it is not too late and swimming is a beautiful sport. I don’t think that it’s unusual because you can always learn swimming and maybe there are people in your age group. However, I can judge this badly because I am not in your age group.

I think for your learning process it is enough to be ambitious and take the course seriously. Design yourself and prepare yourself properly. With the right setting you can quickly achieve success. All else you will probably learn in the course and I believe that swimming is going fast enough. I mean, even if you don’t make so many progress at the beginning, after the course you’re still a safe swimmer.

But the most important thing: Have fun!


1 year ago

I find your plan great!👍🏻

Find a swimming course especially for adults so you don’t sit there with a loud 5-year-old. I think you’d be told when you sign up anyway.

1 year ago

I’m fine. Have fun.

1 year ago


I’m 24 and I’m just doing my bronze badge and learning to swim right now…

Until a year ago, I had panic in front of deep water and never let go of the pelvic edge… Just as a child I was registered at swimming courses and had stood myself as my mother and the typically strict Russian swimming instructor at the edge of the pelvic and several times assured they would jump in if I went under, wehemently refused to let the pelvic edge go

– I had a bad experience on the Baltic Sea during a boarding trip just under 10 years ago (at 14/15), namely that I was almost drowned, because the supervisors have violated the supervisory duty and all were mad, why I would not dare to swim to the swimming island, and I was finally swept behind …

… and now I’m just in front of bronze badge… and very proud of me! And yes, you may be, with such experiences!

No, it’s not weird when you start learning that at that age. On the contrary!

Think about what you can do with it! You can teach your children swimming, generally swimming, can do all the water sports, are safe in the water … better it is not possible!

I think it’s great if you do that. In my course, we’re always like 5 people.

Look for smaller courses.

My trainer zB is super nice, very competent and an absolutely great trainer!!! I can only put it to the heart!

DO IT!!!

1 year ago

… and now I’m just in front of bronze badge… and very proud of me! And yes, you may be, with such experiences!


Great answer from you.

1 year ago
Reply to  guitschee

Above all: In indoor swimming pools, you always have to take care of where the slideway ends. If you can swim, it doesn’t matter if you bump into the deep water at the end, which sometimes happens.

1 year ago
Reply to  guitschee

Thank you very much for the compliment! <=3

1 year ago

Just try. Maybe you do a little harder learning with 25j than with 10j, but this is definitely to be done.

1 year ago

It is very commendable that you want to learn this important skill.

My recommendation: A swim glasses. Many adults get panic when they dip into the water with the face, especially when the water comes in the eyes. The swimming glasses at least prevent water in the eyes.

1 year ago

Better late than never.

Best regards

1 year ago

Better late than never. I find it really important to swim.

1 year ago

There are swimming courses for adults and it is never too late for it – very good decision.

1 year ago

You should definitely do that, that’s important in life.

1 year ago

Sorry wrong question taken!

But I think you can do it.