An diejenigen die Ihren Führerschein aufgrund des Berufs gemacht haben, habt ihr euch nicht etwas unter Druck gesetzt gefühlt?
Welcher Beruf war es und um welche Fahrzeuge ging es?
Bin in Ausbildung Kfz-Mechatroniker, und leg bald mein Theorieprüfung ab. Habt ihr euch auch etwas unter Druck gefühlt? Bzw. Das ihr euch selber und euren Betrieb nicht enttäuschen wollt? Bin dazu noch 20- den Schein wollt ich so oder so aber durch meine Ausbildung ist es jetzt so viel mehr im Fokus wie eine Art Errungenschaft und keine leichte Sache nebenbei.
I had to go back think.
IMHO comes most of what you call “printing” so that children/young people are getting around more and more (i.e. not, for example, on the bike, doing basic things like driving) and then not even interested in driving or technology. But would make things much easier.
And also I have to blur from my bus stop almost in front of the house to the beginning of teaching >1h and e.g. T. must run across the city. Today, however, I would look in the situation to have a wheel with E-Tret support up to 25km/h. Would be on the best way similar fast as the ÖPNV (ÖPNV flaps off all villages), but more flexible, so I would definitely save time.
I did not do it directly because of the profession, but without I would have very great difficulties in the country, both professionally and privately, as there is no practicable ÖPNV.
The 22km for training would not be possible with the wheel. But the 45km to the vocational school no longer. Then I would have only 15km to the train station about 1 hour by train and then there still 6km by bus or by foot to school. I would be on my way forever and after school it would hardly be possible to get to work after that.
So there was a little pressure. Not for others, but for their own use
I had a chance Means of transport (“Stablerschein”), voluntarily accepted. For my profession as an electronic, appearance was not absolutely necessary, but is sometimes quite useful.
I had made more pressure myself to pass the course and the examination.
I only know people who have loved and almost impatiently made their FS, some were opportune and got paid for even professionally. Beneiden.
If you feel pressure, something is wrong with you.
Chill, all cool