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2 years ago

So I’m vegetarian, have lactose intollerance, so dairy products are nothing for me and overall I rarely eat animal products. My blood values are all good and I don’t have to take any supplements.

2 years ago
Reply to  User997654367

Most of us are animal welfare.

2 years ago

I don’t live vegan now, but meat and milk products are coming to my house for 9 years. Since I have chickens, I eat the eggs as long as they lay. Not in the winter break.

I have a total dislike against food supplements. Since I’m almost exclusively buying organic food, my body doesn’t have to deal with any poisons. And because I also buy almost only foods in the original state, so unprocessed, no other ingredients come into play.

Meal! Witch cuisine food industry | Doku | ARTE

Then there’s a lot more from the garden and wild herbs I eat.

Vitamin B12 also comes naturally as a vegan:

Vitamin B12 Factsheet

Plants generally do not contain vitamin B12. However, soil samples have shown that soils that are not too heavily contaminated with chemicals contain very many bacteria that produce vitamin B12. This B12 can stick to plants if you harvest them. This could be an explanation that a B12 deficiency is practically unknown in rural areas of India, even with years of pure vegan diet. However, since in the industrial nations hardly any plants are eaten directly in nature, but are always washed, peeled or cleaned in a different way, the valuable vitamin on the surface is usually lost from the harvesting place to the dining table. In addition, bacteria living in the soil are often poisoned by the poisons used in today’s conventional agriculture. So we have high-purity foods and always “pure” soils. As a result, more and more of the useful and vital bacteria disappear. Even though people were getting B12 through a herbal diet with wild-grown and at most slightly washed plant products, it can no longer be assumed today.

So it depends on how and what you eat as a vegetarian, vegan, and where the food comes from.

2 years ago

Du solltest wissen, dass es in Deutschland bzw auf der Welt nicht genug Fläche gibt um Tiere auf der Weide zu ernähren. Deshalb fehlen ihnen wichtige Nährstoffe, die ihnen künstlich zugeführt werden müssen. Die Mengen an Nährstoffen, die Tieren künstlich zugeführt werden sind deutlich höher, wie jene die man als Veganer einnehmen sollte. Einem Tier wird Vitamin E, Selen, Vitamin B12, Phosphor, Kalzium, Vitamin K & u.U. auch Vitamin D zugeführt. Oft auch in einer überhöhten Dosis, worunter die Tiere leiden. Also entweder man selber nimmt die Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder dem Tier werden sie zugeführt. Siehe hier:

Kürzlich hatte ich wieder einmal Gelegenheit mit ExpertInnen über die Ernährung der sogenannten Nutztiere in den Tierfabriken zu sprechen. Daran ist überhaupt nichts natürlich. Es beginnt schon damit, dass diese Tiere hauptsächlich synthetisches Eiweiß erhalten, weil sie sonst aufgrund des begrenzten Aufnahmevolumens ihres Magens nicht „genug“ hinsichtlich des von ihnen geforderten Umsatzes an Eiweiß aufnehmen könnten. […]

Zusätzlich wird die Nahrung mit Öl versetzt, um eine hohe Energiedichte zu erreichen. So wird noch mehr pflanzliche Stärke eingespart und durch weiteres Eiweiß ersetzt. Aber auch alle Mineralien setzt man der Tiernahrung künstlich zu. […]

Doch auch Vitamine werden im großen Stil in der Ernährung der sogenannten Nutztiere supplementiert, darunter auch Vitamin B12. Sage und schreibe 90% des künstlich mittels Bakterienkulturen hergestellten Vitamins wandert in die Nahrung von Nutztieren in Tierfabriken.


Nun solltest du wissen, dass Tiere eng an eng stehen & sich deshalb leicht mit Bakterien anstecken. Die Folge ist, dass sie mit Antibiotika gefüttert werden. Die Bakterien lernen dadurch sich gegen das Antibiotika zu währen & werden zu multiresistenten Keimen. Die Folge ist, dass Antibiotika seine Wirkung verliert. Die WHO meint, dass 2050 mehr Menschen daran sterben werden, wie an Krebs. Allein letztes Jahr sind mehr Menschen daran gestorben in Deutschland, wie an Corona. Und jetzt bedenke, dass 80% allen Antibiotikas in die Tierindustrie geht.

Dann gibt es noch einen weiteren Grund die Nahrungsergänzungsmittel künstlich zuzuführen. Denn Menschen sind besser mit Nährstoffen versorgt, wenn sie künstlich zuführen. Das beweisen zahlreiche Studien, z.B. im Bezug auf das für Veganer kritische Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin). Hier eine Quelle dazu:

Die Daten aus der Framingham Offspring Study zeigten im Jahr 2000, dass in einer Gruppe von knapp 3.000 untersuchten Amerikanern im Alter von 26 bis 83 Jahren auch 39% der mischköstlichen Teilnehmer B12-Serumwerte im unteren Normbereich hatten. 17% der Mischköstler befanden sich bereits an der Grenze zum Mangel und 9% wiesen einen Manifesten Mangel auf. […] Die besten Werte hatten dabei nicht die Mischköstler mit dem höchsten Konsum tierischer Produkte, sondern die Personen, die regelmäßig B12-haltige Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder mit B12 angereicherte Lebensmittel zu sich nahmen. Das überrascht nicht, den B12 ist in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln zumeist wesentlich höher konzentriert und kann sogar besser absorbiert werden als B12 haltige Nahrung.

Rittenau, Niko: Vegan-Klischee ade!; 5. Auflage, Mainz 2019, S. 82.

oder hier:

Im Rahmen der VeChi-Diet Study war auffällig, dass unter den ein- bis dreijährigen Kindern wider Erwarten nicht die veganen oder vegetarischen Kinder die höchste Rate an B12-Unterversorgung aufwiesen, sondern die mischköstlichen Kinder. So erreichte knapp die Hälfte der omnivoren Kinder trotz Mischkost die Referenzwerte für B12 nicht. Bei den veganen Kindern waren es lediglich 10%. Bessere W12 Versorgung ging dabei auf die konsequente supplementierung der veganen Kinder zurück, da die verlässlichste Art der B12-Zifuhr eben die Supplementierung darstellt.

Schönfeld, Patrick: Vegan ist Unsinn!; Mainz 2021, S. 281.

2 years ago

Most people are simply about not wanting to answer that animals have to suffer / die because of them. And therefore it is better to accept food supplements (which is usually not necessary as long as the blood values are correct). The environmental aspect is also a reason for many as meat consumption is a very large CO2 balance sheet.

Should everyone decide for themselves whether to live vegan and if necessary take a few supplements or not 🙂

2 years ago

Does anyone have boredom – or what is(s)t going on with you?;)

Let the health of the vegans be their concern – most of them deal much more with healthy diet than will ever be dear to you!

Even if this doesn’t “weak” you, I’m sorry to tell you that a vegan who – a few – feeds supplements lives healthier than most “emnis” who rely on meat & Co. to contain everything important!

One – fatal – disgusting, as you know for a long time…

The waiting rooms of the doctors and the hospitals are full of the “victims” of such truggles!

I therefore always recommend the – daily – glasses “Trollinger”…;)

And these YouTube videos of “The Art Comrades” :

  • “Hey Vegan, you lack vitamin B12!”
  • “Hey Vegan, Veganism is unnatural”
  • “Hey vegans, your replacement products are chemical and unhealthy!”

Only courage!

2 years ago

Easy. Because they want to dispense with all animal products because of animal welfare and therefore at least (I believe) Vit. B12 must be substantiated.

I also take various NEM, but I am neither vegan nor vegetarian.

2 years ago
Reply to  User997654367

No, you can also have any dietary supplement in vegan.

2 years ago
Reply to  User997654367

I’m not vegan or vegetarian. So I don’t see if NEMs are vegan or not. Then why double????

2 years ago

I’m not surprised. What have you understood so far?

2 years ago

I meant smoking.

See, that’s the way with the vegan products.

2 years ago

So. Would you feel it as a double moral if I said you’re richer because you’re going past smoking people and who’s out of these people in the air?

2 years ago

Are you smoker?

2 years ago

No, just unavoidable, because you cannot filter air over a large area.

2 years ago

My statements do not contradict each other. The notes mentioned by me are made for reasons of liability, I had already written. Or have you ever had mustard seed in your chocolate, just because it says it can contain traces of it? It is not possible to avoid 100% in indoors or outdoors that substances are transferred through the air. No producer can do anything for that, not a vegan. That’s why the products are still vegan. You seem to have a little trouble reading and understanding………or you’re just a provocateuer of the meat lobby.

2 years ago

No, they do not come into contact, the production sites are separate from each other.

2 years ago

Join Wickedesick. People from the meat lobby always write the same stuff against every reason and usually by the theme.

2 years ago

What can vegans do to avoid that?

Sorry, but writing with someone like you is useless.

2 years ago

I don’t give a knockout. There are components that fly through the air in halls and land where they are not to go. The danger always exists and in everything. And that’s about every package of every food. Every producer writes this for reasons of liability. This does not mean that these things are produced with animal components. The vegans are concerned not to support animal suffering, the long-term goal being to “produce” fewer animals for slaughter. You just want to provoke and try to question every argument with the hardest things. It’s just ridiculous. No man forces you to live vegan.

2 years ago

This can be completely separated in companies. The fact that vegan food can keep traces of……….. is always on the packaging, if produced in a hall.

2 years ago

Most are manufactured in the same “Chemielabors” as those of the Omnis – most of the so-called. “Use” get supplements by feed additive or spraying!

This also supplements Omnis – and not too close (just via the way) !

You didn’t know?

Now you know!

2 years ago

They are produced in the same companies in which the non- vegans are also produced. Check out in the drugstore market what companies are these dietary supplements. That all and every animal must suffer and die, the vegans cannot change that. But they can make a statement to buy the vegan products and thus support a rethink.

2 years ago

You’re worse than all the Ultra-Vegans, just on the other side.

Do you have to provoke this??

2 years ago


On the way, I am not a vegan, but statistically, meat eaters take just as much nutritional supplements 🤷 ♂️ the statistics leave no other interpretation if 75% indicate which to take Ernährungsergaenzmittel-in-deutschland/

2 years ago
Reply to  User997654367

Piece of art – because you are on the way “Futterzusatz” and Co. supplemen” bull!

2 years ago
Reply to  User997654367

Then, as I still belong to the 25%, but experience will change from a certain age often means like B12, d3, calcium, magnesium.

2 years ago

The reason behind this is that you do not exploit animals and the only one where you have to supple is B12. What, by the way, Omnivore should be checked, especially at high age, as they often suffer from a lack. Also B12 is added to your food to the animals or their products

2 years ago

Protection of animals.

I’m not a vegan, but the argument should now be known.

2 years ago
Reply to  User997654367

You don’t need to supplement vitamins if you don’t want to. If someone wants to dispense with animal food, this is his thing and has nothing to do with double morality. If then it is to be taken care of that you have enough Vat. B12 and Vit. D, this is the consequence of this diet. However, this also goes completely without supplements, I just have to deal with it. And if meat eaters have a deficiency, they also take vitamins. I don’t understand what you have for a problem and have to attack the vegan way of life.

2 years ago

This means nothing else than to make sure you take enough nutrients. A vegan diet is very healthy when you do it right. Only Vit. B12 and Vit. You have to keep an eye on D in winter. Anyone who feeds only vegan finished products has the same problems as a meat eater who feeds on one side or only reaches FastFood.

2 years ago

I’m not a vegan, not a vegetarian, nor a pescetarier.

But ethics.