An die Veganer?

Bitte steinigt mich nicht, da ich „nur“ ein Vegetarier bin 😂

Mein Mann und ich haben neulich mal Vegane Wurst versucht, da is mir aufgefallen, dass auf der Rückseite drauf steht: Kann Spuren von Ei enthalten.

Wie steht man als Veganer zu sowas ? Würdet ihr des dann nicht essen, da es möglich sein könnte, dass da Spuren von Ei drin sein könnten oder juckt des nicht ?

Frage einfach nur aus Interesse 🤷🏽‍♀️😂

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1 year ago

If you take the vegan diet seriously, you do not buy from a company that processes eggs.

But you can look around on the net what you can make of “worst-like” loave.

I know you’ve only asked this for interest, but try this self-made “vegan liver sausage.”

Vegan liver sausage from beans and tofu…

I didn’t take beans from the can, but soaked, rinsed and cooked, instead of garlic powder I took chopped fresh garlic and onions didn’t come in (I forgot).

At the first time, I did this without a smoker’s tofu, because I had no one, but at the end Tahini (Sesammus) was stirring. I found it very delicious!

At the second time the whole thing is made with smoked tofu and right, that gives you great smoke taste (upper 😋!)

Because I used to like to eat roasted liver sausage with fried eggs, I tried it with this Kidney bean spread – super!

Then I had furskins and I fried them – also this fits wonderful!

I don’t eat vegan by the way. I live in the country and have chickens myself. But for more than 10 years I have lived without meat and dairy products.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kyeira240

You won’t regret it! 💚

1 year ago

This is due to the production process, since vegetarian sausages based on egg are also produced in the plant/factory, so that this cannot be ruled out. This is more relevant to allergy sufferers.

1 year ago

The tracks are relevant to allergic people. Then even those can, after being embossed, lead to the most violent reactions (just as can contain traces of nuts)

Of course also gives the “hardcorevegans” that would never eat because in the same factory are processed in which also animal products are processed

1 year ago

That’s about a lot of products. If such products were to be avoided, there would hardly be anything left.

Such references are available because non-vegan products are also produced in the factories.

1 year ago

The note is only for allergy sufferers, as far as I know. Because they probably make the vegan products in the same factory as the non-vegans. Or something. I honestly have no idea about the topic.

1 year ago

Sure. You can hardly miss this addition.

1 year ago

but only if I have cheat day… Industrial wet is doof… too many isolates… too far away from the fruit…