An die Supernatural Fans. Welche Charaktere habt ihr am liebsten gemocht? Und was waren eure Lieblingsmomente?
Ich habe alle Hauptcharaktere gemocht und auch manche nebencharaktere . Mr Ketch ist mir zum Schluss ans Herz gewachsen. Wie er sich zum positiven verändert hat und ein Freund von Sam und dean wurde. Er hat es bewiesen wo er Gabriel in den Bunker brachte nach der Befreiung zu sam und dean. Ist Schon ein vertrauensbeweis. Schade das er in staffel 15 sterben musste . Seine letzten Worte waren er muss seinen Freunden helfen. Blöder Dämon wo ihn getötet hat 😢 . Und blöd auch das Gabriel in staffel 13 wieder sterben musste. Nach dem alternativ Michael Gabriel abstach und Dean das Wort Gabriel dabei schrie merkte man wie sehr Gabriel den dean am Herzen lag . Und ihr so ? Seid ihr mit dem Ende von Supernatural zufrieden?
I have many favorite characters and found it always a pity when they died. Sometimes they came again but some died again and most deaths were also very tragic that always went to the heart.
My absolute favourites are: Dean, Charlie, Sam, Crowley, Rowena, Gabriel, Castiel & Jo Harvelle and a little Michael.
For me, the penultimate episode of the 15th Staffel was a perfect conclusion and that would have been the end of what the two really deserved. But the real last episode I didn’t find so great, because the person who really deserved it had a nice end to get it wasn’t forged. I thought that was quite bad. They couldn’t do it the way they wanted through all the Corona regulations and they should have let it be better and take the penultimate episode as a season finale, because it would be a good departure of the series and no disappointment. But they only got their happy ending at the end and that was a shame.
Somehow I finally liked Mr Ketch. How he changed to the positive. I think he was lonely too and then wanted to fight against evil with Sam and dean. As proof of trust, he brought Gabriel into the bunker and his grace .
His character had developed well. At first I didn’t like him but later he got better and what symphatic.
Jack was best or gabriel
I found the sub-characters Charlie actually quite good or also Sheriff Jody Mills. Crowley I also thought kind of great!
I honestly did not find the serial finale very good. In my opinion, it was even the worst of all 327 consequences. 🙊
But in itself it was a really good series that I (thanks to Corona) pulled through in two/two and a half months.