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I am 57 now, but if it is a “senior :)” Water slide competition would give, then I’d probably do it the same again as at the time…
Normal swimwear (all garments in which water can catch can only brake), best still lubricants on the skids (water-repellent sunscreen:)
When starting with both hands, hold on the horizontal rod (if present) in the hip height, and with “swivel” and the feet ahead, under which the rod slides on/in the slideway.
Immediately make a hollow cross, and also try to get the ar… high so that as far as possible only the shoulder leaves, and the heel have contact.
To do so, the feet forward, and angle inside (like the bow of a ship), and arms/hands, tightly to the body.
Like a torpedo in the water that goes to its destination, or a torpedo in winter sports.
Well described. Thank you 🙂
So I do this and I am extremely satisfied with the slippage. 🙂
Even if, of course, correspondingly more body weight presses on the few pressure points, it should nevertheless produce the least friction, since the bearing surface of heel and shoulder blades is only very small.
Bro back layer with tight pants so the ass is shiny and easily lift the back. So you don’t have to fuck. This also shifts the weight on the back and makes super speed.
I always put the swimsuit between my pisses and slide in sitting and make my arms forward then I am really fast
Always on the knees😅🤍
I don’t know how often I bumped my head
Oh, I’m the only abdominal slider?