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Good evening, GK.😊
What a great question…
The very best cigarette is after breakfast. 👍👍👍1
The best cigarette is the cigarette afterwards….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣❗️❗️❗️
Greetings, Renate. 😊
And even better, dear renate, is the cigarette you don’t smoke, because it gives a few years of life more! But still, enjoy your breakfast!
For coffee and energy she is already mega tasty
For coffee or beer.
I enjoy every single cigarette I smoke on the day, but this is primarily due to the fact that I always take a break and enjoy every train of the particular cigarette very much. Of course, there are situations where the moment of enjoyment is still slightly increased. In any case, these include cigarettes after meals or a good caappucino.
To coffee! Coffee and cigarettes are an unbeatable duo.
First morning for coffee. After dinner this afterwards is also a pleasure 🤗
In winter when the air is freezing
Morning after getting up and after every meal
Always and most in the morning
wake up in the morning, then always smoke a few consecutively
After getting up and after sex
Lovely rubber ball,
active smoking I have long been successful and enjoy the best health!
But I will sometimes be forced to withstand the harmful cigarette smoke as a passive smoker, especially when smokers are in my near surroundings, whom I cannot go out of the way!
This is how I feel addressed as a passive smoker by you and your question, especially since my health care is very close to my heart and I can receive it wonderfully through my doing!
On your question: “What do you like the cigarette best?” I answer:
The cigarette, the rubber ball I don’t smoke, tastes best for me! Because this gets my health!
And this since 9 October 1980, the day I stopped smoking!
With best thanks for your good question and hope, you may accept me and my answer as passive smokers, you, dear rubber ball, all good wishes us best health!
Good luck!
In the morning for coffee
In the morning.
To the pot of coffee in the morning. :-