An die Metal Gemeinde hier : Steht ihr auf Black Metal?

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Ich würde gern von der kleinen Metal Gemeinde wissen ob ihr auch so verdammt gerne Black Metal hört ? Es gibt ja auch welche, die damit nichts anfangen können… Und wer von euch darauf steht kann was dazu schreiben, welche Bands und Alben mögt ihr ? und gibts Alben die ihr besonders oft hört ?

Bei mir sind es etliche Bands und Alben, die ich verdammt gerne höre, und einige Alben laufen recht oft. Ich halte auch immer nach weiteren Bands meine Augen und Ohren offen. Ich erweitere gern meine Sammlung 🙂 Ich stell euch gleich einige meiner liebsten Black Metal Alben vor, vielleicht ist die ein oder andere Band auch was für euch. Oder ich finde vielleicht noch das eine odere andere Höllenwerk für mich. Ihr könnt euch gern zur Hompage von einer Band verlinken, wenn ihr möchtet !

Als erstes Vindland, die hab ich so vor 3 Jahren entdeckt, wirklich klasse Band, das Album Hanter Savet kann ich euch nur empfehlen :

Vindland – Hanter Savet (Full Album)


Nornir sind auch richtig geil, hat mir sofort gefallen wie ich die gehört habe ! Leider gibts noch nicht viel von ihnen :

Nornir – Verdandi (Full Album)


Doodswens aus den Niederlanden haben mich auch sehr beeindruckt, die beiden Mädels wissen was sie tun. Das ist Black Metal vom feinsten, lohnt sich auf jeden fall, hier stell ich mal die gleichnamige EP vor ! Gibt aktuell auch ein Album Names Lichvrees, das findet ihr auch auf Youtube :

Doodswens – Doodswens (Full Demo)


Nekrodelirium aus Norwegen haben es mir auch sehr angetan, aber auch hier gibts leider bis jetzt nur eine EP, ich liebe Frauen an Gitarre und Micro :

Nekrodelirium – Apocalypse (EP)


Asagraum haben es mir auch schwer angetan, eine reine Frauen Band, da merkt man gleich das Profis am Werk sind. Sängerin und Gitarristin Hanna Van Den Berg, ist aber noch in einigen anderen Bands unterwegs ! Beide Alben von Asagraum sind super :

Asagraum – Potestas Magicum Diaboli (Full Album)

Asagraum – Dawn Of Infinite Fire (Full Album)

Asagraum – Veil Of Death, Ruptured (Full Album)


Die Dame hats echt drauf, Hulder ist eine echt geile Black Metal Band, die hab ich so vor 1 jahr rum gefunden, ich stelle mal die aktuelle EP vor :

Hulder – The Eternal Fanfare (EP)


Von Darkthrone mag ich einige Alben total gerne, zur Zeit das aktuelle Album, wie findet ihr es ?, vor allem den Sound mag ich sehr :

Darktrhone – Astral Fortress


Vehemence aus Frankreich sind auch eine besondere Band für mich, ihr Stil nennt sich Medieval Black Metal, die sind wirklich ausgezeichnet :

Véhémence – Ordalies (Full Album)


Siebenbürgen aus Schweden gehörten mit zu den ersten Black Metal Bands die ich mir anhörte, die hatten ein paar tolle Alben, das hier ist mir das liebste :

Siebenburgen – Loreia (Full Album)


So nun seit ihr dran !

(5 votes)

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1 year ago

Oh holy Lucifer, I only discovered this vote!

Yes, Black Metal is absolutely brilliant and in my eyes or Ears also art! This genre creates a very own atmosphere.

Although I like to hear bands like Bathory, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost and Venom, to name the well-known bands, I find myself more in the second wave.

1990 or 91 with 14 or 15 years old, a mate came to me with the “Valhall Trauma” on Kase. That was my first touch with Black Metal. Then, of course, how should it be different, A blaze in the northern Sky of Darkthrone, Det som engang var of Burzum, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas of Mayhem etc. Of course, at the time, as it was, I followed the story in the background with Varg and Euronymous, which in addition fascinated me.

The mostly simple but very effective reefs have inspired me to play guitar in his time. To this day, it has not let me hear this music and play it yourself and so it will remain safe.

Often there were discussions about NSBM, and if you hear Mayhem, you can’t hear Burzum and shit. It never adored me! Listen as a transwife also Graveland, although Rob Darken clearly refers to his statements. If I find the music good, I don’t care about the political attitude at all. There have been a lot of excited about it, but… so what…. I’m just like me and I have my own attitude. Setting me to please others is not my thing and it has never been.

So, I’ll give you a small selection of songs and albums I find horny. As I said, it’s just a small selection, as the whole is too diverse and too complex to name and count everything here.

Of course, it’s not black metal, but rather dark ambient I think. But I’m also totally latte, of course I hear not only Black Metal but also Death, Dark, Thrash, Speed and Heavy. If I like it, sometimes classical.

2 years ago


So it always comes to the band, not to the genre. If I like this band, I’ll listen to them.


2 years ago

Sometimes I hear Black Metal. Depends on the situation.

I cannot agree with Yes or with No, as both answers do not fit me.

Nevertheless, I would like to thank you for linking some bands here. I can shoot a bit on occasion. 🙂

By the way, I have a question about you: why do most Black Metal bands use so snorted characters in their band name? A well-made t-shirt should be a bit of advertising for the band, right? It’s hardly possible to read the name of the band.

2 years ago

I come out of the black scene and started with Darkwave or Gothic and actually went straight to the BM. The first concert was in the 90s Cradle of Filth and then I discovered Marduk for me. I’ve seen these two bands live a few times and I’d be there with Cradle today. Marduk has actually done for me with the farewell of Legion and B-War! In 1997 I saw dissection in carols and they were really horny! Next bands I still like to hear today are zb Dark Funeral, Satyricon, old Mayhem, Opera IX, Belphegor, Sothis, Moonspell, Morbid Angel etc….

I’m more interested in the good productions and can only start with very few underground bands and if only single songs!

I also like Death Metal, Middle Ages, Shanty, Gothic etc and of course the Radio Music….. I find the stubborn BM number a bit boring, because there are also incredibly good other music directions!!

And before I start a discussion here… I know Cradle is not a BM but the first two albums could go through very well as BM!

2 years ago
Reply to  MyFuneral

I also find Moonspell absolutely great! The music videos did it to me too… I like the unpredictable turns!

1 year ago


Naglfar (Hünengrab in autumn)

Austere (to Lay like old ashes)

Earth Weary Twin (thanatopsis)

Xsasthur (to violent the obvious)

Nargaroth (black metal is war)

Silencer (Death – Pierce me)

Dark Funeral (has many good albums, also the new ones)

Marduk (blood of the funeral)

Durbatuluk (narration, Baba Jaga)

Descent (irgendeins, e.g. Night’s embrace)

Samael (Ceremony of opposites)

Impaled Nazarene (Ugra Karma)

And of course the most famous:

Mayhem (de mysteriis dom sathanas)

Burzum (the first 4 are legendary, but best are Burzum/Aske and Filosofem)

Immortal (Diabolic fullmoon mysticism)

Gorgoroth (antichrist)

Behemoth (sventhevith)

Darkthrone (the first 4 are also the best here)

Satyricon (now, diabolical)

Cradle of Filth (the principle of evil made flesh)

Emperor (in the nightside eclipse)

Yeah, I like behemoth, but real black metal are really just these silly… But also The Satanist, I loved you at your darkeste and Evangelion are cool

Many of these bands you probably already know, but I hope I could recommend you some cool ones

2 years ago

Jein, Metal is horny, but not everything. There are good bad songs like everywhere. Black Metal doesn’t make any difference.

2 years ago
Reply to  Drengr

This is just a style of metal just like Trashmetal. If you really love Metal then you must like all styles 🤘

1 year ago

No, you don’t have to. If in certain genres 80% crap/committee tumbles out, it looks like a musician’s sight (with higher demands) quite different! I have a good hi-fi facility and a musical hearing.

2 years ago

Just one thing is the same,the love for Metal🤘

2 years ago

So everyone has their preferences. Best of Metallica I liked Hardwired to self Destruct

2 years ago

If you play Iron Maiden or Metallica, some like it. But if you grow deeper and get to Slayer or Exciter it will be less. Everyone likes different styles and at me it is Speedmetal. But I like to hear others too.

1 year ago

My favourite bands are Mayhem, Nargaroth and Immortal

But dsbm I find best, no other genre manages to bring the emotions so

1 year ago
Reply to  Drengr

do not ask?

1 year ago
Reply to  Lena17298


2 years ago

I find Black metal really horny many say it sounds often the same I don’t think there are bands that listen to each other but that’s not always the case. Bethlehem is her name

2 years ago

I don’t like these euphoric and hymnically sounding “black metal” bands at all. I often lack the gloom. When I hear Black Metal, that’s the rumbling cellar recordings of Scandinavian groups. This over-produced Mumpitz is going over my ass.

Of course, this can also be newer acts that continue this tradition. Doodswens belonged to the more useful bands, before the frontwoman threw the Flinte into the grain. In the meantime, you can forget them.

2 years ago

I find it hammer:)

2 years ago

I just looked at those slices from the genre last here:

Ruins Of Beverast, Nagelfar, Hades Almighty, Ultha, Wallfahrer, Horn, Membaris, Weird Fate, MGŁA, Sorguinazia, Furia, Bekor Quilish, Spectral Lore, Darvaza, Cult Of Fire, Ars Magna Umbrae, Arkhtinn, Voidsphere, Mystagogue, Gespenst, Mare Cognitum

1 year ago

Black Metal is with few exceptions, mostly just a thirsty noise nuisance, with spicy inventiveness. I like creative music and this genre cuts off pretty badly. For each track the same tumbler 🙂

2 years ago

Generally speaking, it is less mine, consciously I would not run a black metal.

If a colleague makes it run, it doesn’t really bother me, just listen to death, or thrashmetal, but mainly deathmetal

2 years ago

Both aren’t right. I like it, but it’s rare that I’m in the right mood for it.

2 years ago

There are a couple of exceptions, but somehow the genre has too much to look at “Böse”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Drengr

I find a few bands very good, but a lot of things seem to be tricked

2 years ago

Sure. It follows a small selection of bands I like.

  • Immortal
  • Beerhammer
  • Celtic Frost
  • Mayhem
  • Manheim
  • Dessert
  • Wall
  • Darkthrone
  • Viölence
2 years ago

No, I don’t like Black Metal especially. I found Venom very well, live they were great. I can hear Bathory from time to time. I have more with the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, New German Hardness and Pagan/Viking 🎸

2 years ago
Reply to  Drengr

I saw her on Lorely in 1985. I also found the album Black Metal well, the sound live was Brei and the performance as headliner disappointing. Metallica was better for worlds. But a great festival.

2 years ago

This is also annoying, you pay a lot of money and look forward to the concert.

2 years ago

On the day played 11 bands, 10 with good sound and only the headliner venom with Brei 😉. Normally, pre-groups get the worse sound.

2 years ago

I only heard in black metal once, and that’s nothing for me, but the reefs are horny, the one said or the screaming is not so much. But corpse paint, what (think I) is also very nice

1 year ago
Reply to  Drengr

It’s not that hard at all, but I don’t like these standart vocals like that, I like these crying like burzum before filosofem dear…

2 years ago
Reply to  Drengr

Yes, my respect, you need a lot of stamina. Orbit culture is my fav when it comes to good, almost roaring

2 years ago

I don’t know yet, but listen in later.

4 months ago

Holy Satan

I like it

2 years ago


Don’t touch my taste, and if you let the lyrics, they’ll come over to puberty.

Where it’s bullshit that I’m really funny when my buddy wants to get in full-suff Burzum to annoy the waitress.


But I find full liab as the fans make up.


Otherwise because of songs I don’t know but the one that fits from the theme to Blackmetal

1 year ago

More like Rap

1 year ago
Reply to  Drengr


5 months ago

100% the best metal subgenre. I hear only BM, DM and their own subcategories. I started hearing Metal directly with BM because the feeling that gives a BM does not create any other musical direction. I find Thtash extremely boring.

1 month ago
Reply to  Drengr

All right. I don’t think you have any pants on, huh?

1 year ago

Would say the best metal genre