An die Metal Fans! Habt ihr gute Power Metal Bands zu empfehlen?
Hey Leute 🤘🏻
Haut mal ein paar gute Power Metal Bands raus.
Bin gerade auf der Suche nach einem gutem Ohrwurm 🤘🏻
Danke schonmal im Vorraus!
Hey Leute 🤘🏻
Haut mal ein paar gute Power Metal Bands raus.
Bin gerade auf der Suche nach einem gutem Ohrwurm 🤘🏻
Danke schonmal im Vorraus!
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The best are
This is the highest the Power Metal has to offer.
At Sabaton you have to be careful. You can’t hear what came out after 2013. All this can be smoked in the pipe. It’s not much to do with Power Metal anymore. But (almost) everything up to and including Carolus Rex, I sign as the top what Power Metal has produced.
If you want to count Hammerfall as Power Metals (I do’s) you can also count them among the best. (They also have a two bad albums.)
Hi! Here are some names, not the well-known bands:
Beast in Black:
All for Metal:
Listen in.
Thanks anyway 🤘🏻
It’s not easy because you don’t know what you know.
Older and more familiar:
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This could also be my list…🤘👍