An die Mädchen und Frauen: Wart ihr schon mal in der Sauna Aquatherm in Straubing?
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Bitte mit Alter
Hi Leute, Ich bin 18 und gerade auf der Suche nach mehr Kontakten um öfter in den Club zu gehen (gehe jetzt fast nie 🙄). Eine aus meiner Klasse geht öfters in Clubs und hört auch ähnliche Musik wie ich. Haben halt ab und zu geschrieben und auch im Unterricht geredet, also verstehen uns ganz…
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Can I ask a question? Why does a (probably young) man ask if girls/women were in a specific sauna facility?
We all know that sauna has nothing to do with erotic or sex. It is therefore also not a good place for partner meetings or even partner search because ALL people usually go to the sauna to relax/sweat and/or chill.
So why are you going to the sauna? Or why do you want to know as a man what women are going to the sauna?
I’m just a sauna fan, but I find your question “mistakeable”… or?
LGtom sauna (
Also good to recognize at the “Themes to contribute”.
What do you mean? What kind of spas?
Isn’t it horny, you see naked people and you can chill yourself. ♪
Dear Anton1002… I “see” no naked people, I only perceive them… and myself I am naked to sweat better…This is not win for me, but it sounds more like you than when you go to the sauna for other reasons than we Saunafans.
This is a difference… 🤷 ♂️
Yes I even find it very bad when you go to the sauna for the “show” naked people! And such formulations are used “is horny.” It’s NOT!
yes and if that’s bad?
Ah, I understand. I didn’t see that… Thanks for the hint, then my assessment on the questioner was correct again. To Dan my comments are usually deleted, sometimes also the answer. Slowly I have the feeling m, such “types” at GF are desired and are even supported….
You definitely thank you for the hint!
On the mobile side, they are under the question and the answers. On the PC, they are next to the question.
I wanted to confirm your comment in your answer with my comment.
In the selected “Themes to contribute”, the questioner says, inter alia, “5self-satisfaction, 0rgasmus, V4gina, first time, err3gung”.
I am transexual and but no