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5 months ago

Can I ask a question? Why does a (probably young) man ask if girls/women were in a specific sauna facility?

We all know that sauna has nothing to do with erotic or sex. It is therefore also not a good place for partner meetings or even partner search because ALL people usually go to the sauna to relax/sweat and/or chill.

So why are you going to the sauna? Or why do you want to know as a man what women are going to the sauna?

I’m just a sauna fan, but I find your question “mistakeable”… or?

LGtom sauna (

5 months ago
Reply to  saunatom

Also good to recognize at the “Themes to contribute”.

5 months ago
Reply to  dvdfan

What do you mean? What kind of spas?

4 months ago
Reply to  saunatom

Isn’t it horny, you see naked people and you can chill yourself. ♪

4 months ago
Reply to  Anton1002

Dear Anton1002… I “see” no naked people, I only perceive them… and myself I am naked to sweat better…This is not win for me, but it sounds more like you than when you go to the sauna for other reasons than we Saunafans.

This is a difference… 🤷 ♂️

4 months ago

Yes I even find it very bad when you go to the sauna for the “show” naked people! And such formulations are used “is horny.” It’s NOT!

4 months ago

yes and if that’s bad?

4 months ago

Ah, I understand. I didn’t see that… Thanks for the hint, then my assessment on the questioner was correct again. To Dan my comments are usually deleted, sometimes also the answer. Slowly I have the feeling m, such “types” at GF are desired and are even supported….

You definitely thank you for the hint!

4 months ago

On the mobile side, they are under the question and the answers. On the PC, they are next to the question.

I wanted to confirm your comment in your answer with my comment.

In the selected “Themes to contribute”, the questioner says, inter alia, “5self-satisfaction, 0rgasmus, V4gina, first time, err3gung”.

5 months ago

I am transexual and but no