An die Mädchen, die Gesichtsmasken benutzen?

Hey, bin m17 und benutze manchmal, eher selten Gesichtsmasken, da mein Gesicht, bzw die Haut relativ unrein ist. Gibt es irgendwas, was ihr jemandem empfehlen könntet, um das noch effektiver zu machen? xD

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8 months ago

In the case of impure skin I would give you a Peel-off mask recommend, there are among others Rossmann

A peel-off mask is a gel-like mass that slowly drys on the skin. When pulling off, co-essers, loose rags, dirt and talc deposits stick to it. This allows you to prevent pimples in the face and provide a particularly soft skin feeling.

Subsequently, for example, a cloth or another mask can be applied for care; also for Rossmann and others

8 months ago
Reply to  Anozym322

You’re welcome

take the own brands of Rossmann & Co., which are just as good as the expensive ones.

8 months ago

Dear thanks for your awarded ⭐, Margita

8 months ago

Most masks are not made for unpure skin and make the whole worse only if there must be a mask, then the blue healing mask of Luvos, which is also available in a large pack as a powder touch by itself, which is cheaper in the long term

1 month ago

I also had unrefined skin in young years.

A lot later I learned that you should drink enough water every day, two to three litres.

A lack of water prevents poisoning.

Coffee or tea cannot replace water.