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I drink non-decaffeinated coffee every day and therefore consider myself to be a user of at least one psychoactive substance. The more so when it comes to alcohol.
I drink my 0.1 liter ice wine. I won’t let that happen. I appreciate it, so I want this rareness. This has nothing to do with alcohol, as I eat horse fillet for the same reason.
Horse fillet is not a nerve poison. Alcohol already.
Alcohol is produced in wine. It may be a nerve poison, but you don’t want to say that you poison yourself with 0.1 liter at 5.5° alcohol, which has an ice wine. I drink that in the afternoon because I’m an Opioid patient with pain. I don’t feel any backup from Oxycodon.
As a customer, you know the diagnosis of all wine growers and their relatives. All respect.
I’d rather tell Lauterbach couple.
You can’t see alcohol as a drink. We need it for remedies in natural medicine. But you can’t confuse whether you enjoy it or clean it. These are great differences. I’m a customer at 8 Winzers. Why hasn’t a cancer occurred in their relationship with 3-4 generations I know. But the Minister of Health wants to tell us that.
And he called it brain fermentation.
And Jesus made wine from water. And our health minister takes the most modern spelling: Jesus made cancer from water.
Apart from what it’s called fermentation…
Even lighter alcohol consumption harms health – FOCUS online
‘Droge is any substance that causes changes in a living organism…’
I like to drink beer, wine, champagne and vodka. Although not excessive, you should not lie to yourself. Alcohol is clearly a drug. LG
Yeah, sure.
Are both drugs that, like the illegal substances, are always to be taken with caution.
I just grew up like that (50-60s), today the internet and cell phone are called!
If I could take this off or turn it off, what would happen?
It seems more than you can imagine!
Been on the road for months without a mobile phone without feeling anything
Cigarettes have no intoxicating effect for me, but are basically harmful, why I have not smoked for longer (about 1980).
No one drinks alcohol, no alcoholic drinks! Yeah, alcoholic beverages can be a drug if you get intoxicated. But alcoholic beverages can also be a treat, because alcohol is a very great flavoring. As long as you are not intoxicated, there is no danger of addiction.
A waiver of alcoholic beverages does not increase life expectancy, a waiver of cigarettes drastically increases the level of life expectancy.
Wait a minute… I’m just calling in the afterlife at Matthias who had drunk himself dead.
Wait a minute.
Well, he says it was a drug. He also says you don’t have to vote on facts.
However, there are also drugs that are sensible and can extend life.
No, I’m not!
But is there also one thing to define “drugs”?
Sugar is also a “drug”…
Alcohol and nicotine are drugs. Your question is not necessary.