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Halbbruder Erbe?
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You can’t change it. So you can only accept it and think positively. Then all the work is fun
I don’t have to say badly when you found his vocation like me. We need rescue workers, doctors, nurses, salesmen, etc. without you, our system would not work (runs slowly broken through politics), and this is why it is important that everyone contributes to it.
What’s your job?
I do an education for nursing
Young people still have their GESAMTES life. At 40 hours a week, the working time is not quite a quarter, and the 4 weeks of legal leave per year are not taken into account.
4 weeks legal holiday is funny 😂😂
Many have more demands. This is the legal regulation.
I have 22 vacation days. Rules of procedure. Should be raised to 30 days by 2029 but have worked years sp
I’m happy about that. I would like to learn and personally depress it more if I knew that the section of working life is around and the next section the pension followed by ‘very old’ and death.
For me, my life would be over somewhere and would probably even work in retirement.
If I find it good, I could not currently imagine standing in front of the pension.
You have not only the working life before you, but the whole life…
Yes, I have my life in front of me.
Findings are not old yet.
I’m the one
I’m sure I’m not going to work full-time like others.
Okay. I didn’t think so, but I’d like to go to work. I like my job and my colleagues very much and I’m really happy that it went so well for me.
Very nice.