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So the Python Script builds an array with the numbers of 0-9. The array is then sorted with the Sort method and then output.
I don’t know how to do this in C++ or Java. It’s probably more complicated there. So that you have to use a Bubble Sort method with auxiliary variable or otherwise as gross.
I don’t think the Meme is funny now.
In Python only two-three lines are required, while in C++ and Java you have to do more for the same result. Be iterated by a for loop and then output it. The “Witz” is probably aimed at it.
The real irony is that in Python it is also so:
While it becomes more extensive in languages like C++ and Java, simply because lists like std::list at C++ are not intrinsic types. In addition, the often cryptic syntax comes.
But this becomes really clear only with less trivial examples:
Honestly, I don’t think funny, but I think that’s what it takes a few more lines in languages.
But good, I’m talking where that’s even more complex.