An die Frauen: Seid ihr während der Periode gereizt/launisch?


An die Frauen: Seid ihr während der Periode gereizt bzw. launisch?

Ich bin es total. Ich würde dann am liebsten etwas zertrümmern. Noch schlimmer, wenn ich hungrig und müde dazu bin. Da kann ich schon zur Megazicke werden 😅


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2 years ago

is also normal and so desired by nature,
because woman should give rest, refuel, take stock, relax,
at least for two days,
to be able to start again.

Therefore, irritation, if not possible.

Even cramps and pain quickly passed if woman would just give rest. Beard bottle, cup of tea, good book… so the direction…

But that’s probably not going to be aware of many.

2 years ago
Reply to  amormutuus

Or not possible. You have to work and work. Also with period.

2 years ago
Reply to  Serera99

Yes, very often. However, women often do not want to take into account this. It bothers her.
But that is not part of the question ….

2 years ago

That’s it. If I don’t feel any pain, it’s usually possible, even though I’m still annoyed sometimes. But if I’m in pain, I’m more often annoyed or mad.

2 years ago

That’s funny. I rarely have physical complaints, but it already presses on the mood that I notice. But not too stupid.

2 years ago

It’s very violent with me.

I’m totally lousy and full of irritation.

Then also become a mega goat, where no one can blame me.

2 years ago
Reply to  StrongHeart

Yes, that is only too understandable .😅

2 years ago

With me, too. I try to avoid it, unfortunately it doesn’t work much

2 years ago

This also happens a few days before about pms

2 years ago

Since I have no problems with my period, I am not irritated or

2 years ago

Oh, I’ve seen an old man like that. She’s been my dream wife in 37 years. The goat did not stop even after the climatic cerium. For her beauty and vitality, she continued to take hormones and menstrued until the age of 80, including orgasms. At 78, she was addressed by a well-maintained man, whether they were not in a hotel.

If there was a Nobel Prize for a man who tamed a goat, I would have earned him.

How did I do that? Only with patience, forbearance and pity. It wasn’t always easy.

2 years ago

I don’t know anything like that.

I sometimes had the most severe pain, and of course my mood was not the best, but I either didn’t notice anything or my environment kindly pointed out that I wasn’t good. Fucking, humorous or something in the direction I never was.

2 years ago

that is quite normal and has a name: PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome.

The mood changes are promoted by the various hormones.

2 years ago

Previously yes, but rather before (PMS). So I was mainly sensitive. With getting older, it has become much better.

2 years ago

Just before. (PMS)

2 years ago

Yes, however, it would never remember anyone, because I think if I am lukewarm notices yes everyone that I have my days, so I try to be particularly friendly in time though it’s brodelt xD

2 years ago

I am only much more Horny than usual during the period. I always whisper a little because I have belly cramps or I’m bad, but I’m not irritated.

Otherwise, I don’t know that I have my period.

2 years ago
Reply to  StrongHeart

This is due to the good blood circulation of the abdomen during the period, but not every woman has more often.

And in the pains that many women have you can actually just whimper 😅 to help me with warmth. It’s just stupid when you’re on the way.

2 years ago
Reply to  mfg00

I am less horny

2 years ago

I have seen it several times that my partner was as confused at this time and not in good sense.

2 years ago

Mainly hangs with me that I usually have severe abdominal cramps and pain and feel physically uncomfortable. You just don’t have much patience and nerves as usual.

2 years ago

Basically yes. But it’s easier for me to take more iron. That’s a bit like blood loss.

2 years ago
Reply to  StrongHeart

You can also try it with Thymian (also has a lot of iron and would be a natural source for it) (then like in the form of capsules) and also with raspberry leaf tea that helps in some women quite well against the abdominal cramps.
Thymic capsules are available for example at dm. The tea in the apo.
Or you’ll try more until you find your good helper.

1 year ago

Some days before a little while not

is called PMS and occurs first when the body is missing (mirror contaminants, rest, etc)

1 year ago

I feel very much.

I also had a half an anger and a terrible headache today. hunger doesn’t make it better either.

2 years ago

No, before.

You’re good that I’m through with it!

2 years ago

I live as a single when the period is up.

Don’t look and just don’t say you can’t do anything right.

2 years ago

But not always. Then I’m just in a bad mood and I’m sad.

1 year ago

With me, it was only 1 times otherwise not. Lag evtl to my hormones Chaos

2 years ago

My partner ever asked me when I was really bad about it: “Do you get your days?”

2 years ago

Nope. I don’t change anything during my period. No pain, no pain, no pain, no emotions. Thank God

1 year ago

And totally stupid.

I’ve been crying, lying around, the whole program. But that started before the period, I suffered strongly under PMS.

It was hard to bear. For the poor creatures around me.

1 year ago

I’m always lousy and irritated anyway.

1 year ago

Yes, before and during my period, I am much more emotional than usual and my mood is often completely in the basement.

I’ll be more patient and quicker.

2 years ago

But that’s right

2 years ago

Not at all


2 years ago

Yes total 😂

1 year ago

I had neither PMS nor any moods during the mens.

1 year ago

During the period sometimes.Also if then in the first 2-3 days. But rather seldom.I am rather lukewarm before the period.Sometimes more,sometimes hardly.But sometimes I notice that then small things will excite me and I almost burst before anger. 😆 At my first period,directly a day before, I was so inconceivably lunatic and angry that I have recited my mother completely. The next day the surprise came. 🙃