An die, die Tandoori Pute kennen: Schmeckt das auch noch am nächsten Tag?
Weil ich wollte es eigentlich essen, aber ich darf nicht, da der Blutzucker viel zu hoch ist.
Hello, tomorrow we’re going to the zoo with the family, my wife, the kids and a couple of neighbor friends are coming along. I don’t feel like it at all and wonder what I’m supposed to do there, it’s only exciting for the children. As I like to smoke a lot, my main question is…
Ist es noch sinnvoll eine Maske zu tragen? ich frag weil ich eben in der Schule einen ffp2 mundschutz aufsetzen muss. Keine Pflicht der Schule sondern meiner Mama. Das ist einfach nur blöd. Leider wissen das aber auch meine Lehrerinen weil meine Mama beim Elternsprechtag es gesagt hat. Jetzt hocke ich den ganzen Tag mit…
Hallo, ich kaufe immer von Multifit das Holzstreu für 10,49€/11Kg Sack. Nun habe ich im Baumarkt Holzpellets zum Heizen gefunden die komplett identisch aussehen allerdings für 5,99€/ 15Kg Sack. Kann man diese auch verwenden? Habe ein relativ großes Gehege und da geht das Holzstreu ziemlich ins Geld. Danke schonmal für die Antworten.
Was haltet ihr grundsätzlich vom amerikanischen Essen? Die Vielfalt und Auswahl macht was, auch dieses Magazin bestätigt dies;
Ich mag wodka lieber weil dort die mischen einfach viel besser schmecken zB wodka E oder Wodka O Saft schmeckt einfach lecker während Whiskey immer deine Schärfe hat und mit mischen auch nicht unbedingt besser schmeckt
but better store in the cooler.Normally tastes even better.
Grins Thank you, however, went out to answer a real Putentadoori
Hello awoKY, 👋
Of course you can
Eat Tandoori Pute! You can
even eat the whole turkey.
Not the turkey meat, nor
increases the Tandoori spice
Your blood sugar! You need
just let the rice go.
Look. This is our Tandoori Pute.
You above ☝🏻 (photo), supplementing my question.
This is NO
Tandoori Pute!
Rest in peace. ✝️
ROFL…Listen, I’ve got a stomachache!
Yeah, you’re really not helping.
Salmon cramp!😂😂😂😂😹😹😹🤣🤣😂😹🤣🤣💦💦💦💦🤣💦🤣💦
Oh, dear.
It is called Tandoori Pute because of the sharp Tandoori sauce and the turkey disc.
Does it ring?
Is there anything wrong with you?🤣🤣🤣💦💦
The thing there is 0.0000000000000000 what to do with Tandoori.
This is original fake! 😂🤣🤣💦💦
Yes. That’s original.
Stand there.
Are you blind?
You’re so funny. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Can’t bear the truth.
You poor.
you mean Tikka or Masala. The meat is roasted/grilled when you store it cool shouldn’t be a problem.
No. It’s from Bakery Klein.
Cheese bread with fresh cheese, salad, turkey, sharp sauce (Tandori sauce?) and herb salad = Tandori Pute.
Tandoori means – roasted/cooked in the clay oven (sandur). If you don’t have a loam oven, you can also use a large metal barrel, then the spits are hanged in. Then it’s more like grilling.
Tandoori sauce is also not available, as it only describes the cooking type.
If you keep the bread in the refrigerator, you can still eat it tomorrow. I think, however, the baked cheese no longer tastes particularly crisp, the herb salad could be a little rag. I wouldn’t wait much longer because of the fresh cheese. It won’t be better.
You mean this?
The term “Thandori” does not exist in India.
Aua that has sio much to do with a Tandori like apples with bananas
Look. This is our Tandoori Pute.
You above ☝🏻 (photo), supplementing my question.
That’s nothing more than an unreal fake mogel pack! I don’t eat that shit anyway. 😖
Listen. This is what Tandoori Pute looks like:
We’ll meet you personally and I’ll bring you our Tandoori Pute and the evidence.
The comment went to the FS.😉
No, I’m not asking in a bakery for a Tandoori court…. because they don’t have one! Not at all! 😂🤣🤣💦🤣💦
What you’re writing has nothing to do with Tandoori. Or are some crumbs of Tandoori – spice in the cheese bun? 😹😂😂🤣🤣💦💦💦
It’s Tandoori Pute. 😉
Go to Bakery Klein and ask for Tandoori Pute.
It is known in all bakery small branches and it now consists of a baked cheese bread, fresh cheese, salad, turkey slices, sharp sauce and herb salad.
OK, my mistake. I didn’t think about the paste. I would still find it strange to eat a Tandoori dish from a pan.
It’s not!
This is, for example, Tandoori-Pute:
Thank you 😉
Just wanted an interesting name for the product. 🤭
That would be the case if you called your bunny “Römertopf Pute”.
Then it is also expected that the sausage / meat was killed in the Roman pot.
You can ask the bakery interested how they use this term. Maybe they thought that would call a certain sense of taste.
kerala-style fish
that actually means the marinade.
This is Tandoori Pute: