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2 years ago

The first version of my manuscript has not yet been completed.
At the moment I have more than 102.000 words. I guess when the first version is finished, it’ll have about 120,000 words.

After that, the big question is whether the test readers will contribute additional ideas or tell me what to shorten and sweep away everything…

If you value a DIN-A4 page on 400 words, I would now have about 250 pages.

2 years ago

The best books, i.e. those that have kept themselves in the memory of people, because they are considered must-like, are narrow and thin. A tragedy of Sophocles (written 2500 years ago) hardly fills thirty or forty Reclam pages; Machiavelli was not immortal with his extensive discorsi, but a small excerpt from it (Il Principe), and Karl Waggerl not famous with his novels, but with his “love things”, hardly a single manuscript page long! “Silent Night” known as not all Beethoven symphonies. – But: “Many write books as if the readers should practice their arms and not the head of it,” a sage once complained.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dorylaus

I also find shorter books better than longer, because I have often seen that with thick ham every single root has been described. Besides, I like to collect books, and several shorter books of a row look much more beautiful on the shelf than a huge door stopper. Do you have any more recommendations for shorter books for me?

1 year ago

my book had 679 pages at the beginning… they were suddenly there after half a year. After I learned that published lyrics can be expensive without permission, I have rewritten everything and translated into English. Just because the action plays there and I should theoretically have to expect less trouble, and one would rather accept a different opinion there as long as it concerns peaceful intentions. But, as I said, theoretically! Because I won’t publish it. Because of statistics, there are now more than 400 pages.

2 years ago

My first Wattpad story has 24 pieces.

2 years ago
Reply to  dieNeueAera

Think it’s worth moving his Wattpad story. I mean I’ve got over 50 parts

2 years ago

My total five bring it to over 1000 (book pages).

This is about 120 times a book – the longest has 440. (DIN A5)

2 years ago

Under 100 pages.

A children’s book.