An die, die aus Med. Grund beschnitten wurden. Würdet ihr euren Sohn vorsorglich beschneiden lassen?
Wenn du aus Med. Grund beschnitten wurdest, würdest du aus Vorsorge deinen Sohn beschneiden lassen?
Wenn ja Wann?
Hey, ich bin M14 und würde gerne wissen, ob ich diese Schuhe in der Öffentlichkeit tragen kann.
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And even if he has real problems with it.
If the foreskin is only narrowed, without any restrictions, I would wait and involve it later in the decision.
So first of all, I would let my future son decide himself, because he must get along well with it.
But as soon as a Phimosis would not solve, I think that you should go to circumcision relatively quickly so that the problem is quickly and efficiently eliminated and not eternal rennnerei with stretching takes place.
I know it myself. I would have liked to have been cut right afterward.
should also be cut as early as possible
Everything else would also be rough mischief and is at least overcrowded. You don’t let all the teeth pull to prevent caries. Every person develops differently, problems do not inherit 1:1 in the genetic mixing pool, doctors act differently, even in their therapies differently in time.
Unless he has really medical problems, where a wait would be negligent.
Otherwise he can decide himself.
and on your own request.
My son had a slight phimosis and he himself said with 13, away with the foreskin.
Sometime from 14 I would let him choose it.
Why not?
Only if it is medically necessary.
Only in medical indication, everything else is bullshit
Hello Theoofluh, 👋
if I had a son,
will I have made
because this is a very bad and
cruel COOPERATION is! 👎
This injury to children should
are much more punished and punished!😡
I am gay and children are not a topic for my partner and me.
But if I had a son, I wouldn’t let him be prejudicially circumcised, but only if there was no other way of improving like myself at that time.
If everything was healthy down there with him, there’s no reason for me to just cut him like that.
Otherwise only on request.
Cutting small children without medical indication is body injury and should be prohibited.
Yes, as soon as possible.
ARMES child!
Prejudicially disfigured and protection and sensitivity is a crime in my eyes.