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Pils. From time to time also a beautiful cold wheat beer.
Thanks for the star. :
most likely “free beer”.
Otherwise Real Schlenkerla Smoke Beer, Marchen, from Bamberg.
Holsten, or if it is very warm a yeast wheat 🙂
Fax. Tuborg. CARLSBERG.
Fax? Is this channel brown still?^ That used to exist in 1 liter doses on the tanks around 1 mark or something. Tastes as if a wet dog had made a coat
The will counts..🤣
Me too. The poster hangs at home. And I’m more often in Denmark. I know the
I don’t know what people have against FAXE. 🤷 Tuborg – The thirsty man 😁 Has my grandpa always liked to drink. 😉
All that is cold and has enough fabric in it
Actually, only Pils. Only occasionally black beer, or double block.
Black beer, Porter with cherry, Märkischer Landmann,
Yeast wheat dark
White with shot
I have a March in front of me. Basement beer, brown, or black beer, classic pils, stout, IPA, wheat, all liked.
Oettinger Pils, Warsteiner Pils, Radeberger Pils. In this order
Oettinger is Hardcore xD
How hardcore?
For me the best Pils 🤷🏻 ♂️
See link