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My friend is (just like me) Therian, Otherkin and Furry. I love him/her and I am glad to be with him/her. We can talk about everything, together in the forest or on meadows quads, give each other self-made gear, make vowels together and so much more. We haven’t been together so long, but a life without him/she is no longer conceivable for me. We are also both pansexual. You’re just… free. No prejudices, no nap though you don’t understand anything, no fake smile though you find something secretly weird. I hope I could help you with my answer :3
PS: if you wonder why I’m writing all the time, my friend is non-binary :>
Yes very even but it is also completely okay if not they just need to accept it support at least simply
because first you think about the dates
go to the forest and make vokals together or practice quadrobics together, play fights, make each other kind and much more
Hello WildV,
a therian partner would be interesting – but of course is not a “must”. My is close (to be therian) and accepts me & my being (my preferences & dislikes etc.) completely – which is really important in turn. I can’t do it without that. We don’t all look out for this – and even for others (whether it’s your own wife) to be hired (that surely everyone knows from their own experience) always works for a while – so don’t always go well…
A partner who would be/is the Otherkin, Fictionkin, etc. would probably be “abgespaced” in the long term. Sounds funny if I see and say this as therian – but there can and should be honest.
Best greeting 🐾ðŸTM‚ └️👍🏻
So I think it would be very nice to be surrounded by people who understand how to feel and which is similar.
I’d be people with whom I’d be ill but don’t choose whether they’re aging humans or not.
Dude human, do I fall in there with 51?
Funny, my friend is also a therian like me:3
Yes that would be great
This term,
In itself, it would depend on how strong it is. If she’s always fascinated, or she’s starting to get me in bed, I’d have my problems with that. That’s weird, I’d probably start treating her instead of being with her or having sex.
In principle, I am for pluralism and for that everyone is allowed to live his life as he wants it, whatever it wants.
But in a relationship one shares life and I am not 100% sure if I would want to be a part of it.
No, because everyone who calls himself so automatically takes himself out of the circle of people I want to be friends with…